Arne Lassen [Parents] was born on 15 May 1945 in Aabybro, Vendsyssel. He was buried on 5 Mar 1992 in Aalborg. He married Birgit.
Other marriages:Pedersen, Birthe
Birgit.Birgit married Arne Lassen.
Karl Aage Lassen [Parents] was born on 9 Sep 1948 in Aabybro, Vendsyssel. He died on 7 Oct 1985. He married Karen Margrethe Winther.
Karen Margrethe Winther.Karen married Karl Aage Lassen.
They had the following children:
M i Jorgen Winther Lassen.
Hans Jorgen Pedersen.Hans married Anne Birgit Lassen.
Anne Birgit Lassen [Parents] was born on 27 Oct 1955 in Aabybro, Vendsyssel. She married Hans Jorgen Pedersen.
They had the following children:
F i Janni Lassen Pedersen was born in 1971. F ii Mia Lassen Pedersen was born in 1988.
Peter Clemmensen [Parents] was born on 25 Apr 1940 in Aabybro, Vendsyssel. He married Elna.
Elna.Elna married Peter Clemmensen.
Niels Agner Clemmensen [Parents] was born in 1942 in Lindholm, Vendsyssel. He married Solvej.
Solvej.Solvej married Niels Agner Clemmensen.
Lars Morten Jensen [Parents] was born in 1942 in Aabybro, Vendsyssel. He married Karna.
Karna was born in Drastrup, Aalborg. She married Lars Morten Jensen.
They had the following children:
F i Rikke Jensen. M ii Richard Jensen.
Hans Jensen [Parents] was born in Aabybro, Vendsyssel. He married Susanne.
Susanne.Susanne married Hans Jensen.
They had the following children:
M i Thomas Jensen.
Fritz Jensen [Parents] was born in Aabybro, Vendsyssel. He married Conny.
Conny.Conny married Fritz Jensen.
They had the following children:
M i Dan Jensen. M ii Nick Jensen. F iii Dorthe Jensen.
Jens Christian Buje [Parents] was born on 12 Dec 1943 in V.Hjermitslev, Vendsyssel. He married Britta Pedersen on 16 Jul 1966 in Hals, Aalborg.
Britta Pedersen was born on 16 Mar 1944 in Hals, Aalborg. She married Jens Christian Buje on 16 Jul 1966 in Hals, Aalborg.
They had the following children:
F i Ulla Buje was born on 1 May 1971 in V. Hjermitslev, Vendsyssel. [Notes] F ii Tina Buje was born on 20 Nov 1973 in V. Hjermitslev, Vendsyssel. [Notes]
Poul Buje [Parents] was born on 25 Apr 1956 in Alstrup, V. Hjermitslev, Vendsyssel. He married Inge Marie Bolt on 18 Jul 1981 in Alstrup Kirke, V. Hjermitslev,Vendsyssel.
Inge Marie Bolt was born on 25 Mar 1949. She married Poul Buje on 18 Jul 1981 in Alstrup Kirke, V. Hjermitslev,Vendsyssel.
They had the following children:
M i Anders Buje was born on 26 Jun 1988 in Odense, Fyn. [Notes]