Anetræ for familien Krogsgaard og mange mange flere


Nis (Træben) Nicolaisen

Havde formentlig træben !

Inderst i Styrtom, Ensted sogn.

Ensted kirkebog: " Nis Nicolaisen (vulgo Treben) en Inderste i Stürtum, fordum Nicolai Persens og Marens Søn i FelstedSkov alt: 79 Aar efterlader 1. efter sin første Hustru Syndeth Nisses fra Trasbüll
a. Cathrin gift X (?) med Hans Tagmoes, hvis Børn ere Ann, Syndeth og Nis ....... 3. med Jens Lausen, hvis Barn er Hans.
b. Nis Tofft gift med Clara-Marie Christens i Stürtum, vis Børn ere Syndeth og Christen
c. Maren, gift med en Soldat Christian Frantzen, hvis Børn ere ubekiendte.
d. Christen gift med Anna Eleonora Peders, hvis eneste Søn er Hans
e. Kiestin endnu ugift
2. efter sin anden Hustru Ann-Lucie Christians ingen Børn
3. efter Karen rasmusses fra Loit een Daatter ved Navn Syndeth."

Christen (Hjuler) Jørgensen

Ensted kirkebog ved død: "Christen Hiuler, en Tønder-Huus Kodner Stübbeck-Skov, fordum Jürgen Hiulers og Maren Hillers Søn i Hostrup alt: 57 Aar og 6 Uger, efterlader foruden sin Enke Mette Johannes tre Døttre Clara-Marie, Ellen og Mett-Kiestin."

Hans Nicolai Christesen

Faddere var enkemand Jac. Hansen Thomsen, Mad. Iwersen og skomager Hans Nicolai Hansen - alle fra Løgumkloster.

Gift anden gang den 26. marts 1895 i Aabenraa. Der var ingen børn i andet ægteskab.

Staveformen Christesen uden "n" blevet lempet "ind ad bagdøren" af præsten. Stavemåden Christesen blev fast standart i nogle af grenene. Den ældste med navnet Christensen er Cement Christensen. Af hans 8 børn er Hans Nicolai den eneste hvis navn ved dåben blev skrevet uden "n" . Clement Christensens 7 andre børn fik navnet Christensen.

Løgumklosterpræsten Rehhoff kan derfor takkes for navnet Christesen.

Af Hans Nicolai Christesens 7 børn fik nogle navnet Christensen og nogle navnet Christesen - så også her er det de rene tilfældigheder der har spillet ind.

Catharina Maria Fallesen

Faddere var Christine Bartelsen, Søren Hansen og Ida Strombeck.

Catharinas farbror sad ved moderens død fængslet for mord på sin kæreste.

Günderoths stiftelse (Nygade 46): Bygningen er tegnet af arkitekt L.A. Winstrup (1819-1889) og opført 1860 i gule sten for den Günderothske fattigstiftelse, hvor den erstattede en tidligere bygning fra 1731, opført af Heinrich von Günderoth. Huset gav bolig for otte fattige familier. Bygningen havde oprindelig en nygotisk gavlkvist på hjørnet, men efter 1920 blev den ændret til den nuværende i nyrenæssance, så bygningen kom til at fremtræde mindre tysk. På den sortmalede hustavle over døren mod Persillegade står i dansk oversættelse: “Gud alene æren. Anno 1731. Heinrich von Günderoth. Sophia von Günderoth, født von Saldern”.

Ingeburg Christina Christensen

Eller Ingeborg Christine Christesen.

I have a copy of a letter that C.B. Christesen wrote to Donald. He states that Clement and my grandfather (he calls him Charles, not Carl) migrated. He said that there was a third brother, the youngest, but he did not know his name or anything about him. His brother, Paul, was a scientist, who was six years younger than he. Paul's first wife, was Elspeth (nee Salkeld). Paul had a son Ian, who lives in Brisbane with his son Grant and a daughter, Nina Joan, who is married with no children, who Donald and Ermine met in Australia. In this letter, he said that before the outbreak of war, he went to Hamburg to meet his great uncle, Captain Asmus Knudsen, one-time Commadore of the Amerika-Hamburg Line. He could not recall how Knudsen was connected with the Christesen family. However, Donald sent you a picture of Asmus Knudsen when he was visiting Connecticut. He was the husband of one of the sisters of Carl Nicolai and Nicolai Bernhard. In the picture that we have, it states that Mrs. Knudsen and Mrs. Hansen were sisters of your great grandfather and my grandfather. The Knudsens may have lived in Hamburg, Germany and Mrs. Hansen lived in Connecticut. They state that Mrs. Knudsen had two daughters. You can see the sisters in the picture that Donald sent you. Mrs. Hansen had a son and daughter.The notes for the picture state that Mrs. Hansen was named "Christina" and was married to Peter Hansen and their children were Theodore and Katie. This is information we received from our Aunt Gertrud, my father's half-sister by Carl Nicolai's first wife, Caroline. My grandmother, Rose Metzler Christesen, was Carl Nicolai's second wife, She was born in New York and her parents were born in Germany.

Marie Catharine Christesen

I have a copy of a letter that C.B. Christesen wrote to Donald. He states that Clement and my grandfather (he calls him Charles, not Carl) migrated. He said that there was a third brother, the youngest, but he did not know his name or anything about him. His brother, Paul, was a scientist, who was six years younger than he. Paul's first wife, was Elspeth (nee Salkeld). Paul had a son Ian, who lives in Brisbane with his son Grant and a daughter, Nina Joan, who is married with no children, who Donald and Ermine met in Australia. In this letter, he said that before the outbreak of war, he went to Hamburg to meet his great uncle, Captain Asmus Knudsen, one-time Commadore of the Amerika-Hamburg Line. He could not recall how Knudsen was connected with the Christesen family. However, Donald sent you a picture of Asmus Knudsen when he was visiting Connecticut. He was the husband of one of the sisters of Carl Nicolai and Nicolai Bernhard. In the picture that we have, it states that Mrs. Knudsen and Mrs. Hansen were sisters of your great grandfather and my grandfather. The Knudsens may have lived in Hamburg, Germany and Mrs. Hansen lived in Connecticut. They state that Mrs. Knudsen had two daughters. You can see the sisters in the picture that Donald sent you. Mrs. Hansen had a son and daughter.The notes for the picture state that Mrs. Hansen was named "Christina" and was married to Peter Hansen and their children were Theodore and Katie. This is information we received from our Aunt Gertrud, my father's half-sister by Carl Nicolai's first wife, Caroline. My grandmother, Rose Metzler Christesen, was Carl Nicolai's second wife, She was born in New York and her parents were born in Germany.

Mathilde Wilhelmine Christesen

I have a copy of a letter that C.B. Christesen wrote to Donald. He states that Clement and my grandfather (he calls him Charles, not Carl) migrated. He said that there was a third brother, the youngest, but he did not know his name or anything about him. His brother, Paul, was a scientist, who was six years younger than he. Paul's first wife, was Elspeth (nee Salkeld). Paul had a son Ian, who lives in Brisbane with his son Grant and a daughter, Nina Joan, who is married with no children, who Donald and Ermine met in Australia. In this letter, he said that before the outbreak of war, he went to Hamburg to meet his great uncle, Captain Asmus Knudsen, one-time Commadore of the Amerika-Hamburg Line. He could not recall how Knudsen was connected with the Christesen family. However, Donald sent you a picture of Asmus Knudsen when he was visiting Connecticut. He was the husband of one of the sisters of Carl Nicolai and Nicolai Bernhard. In the picture that we have, it states that Mrs. Knudsen and Mrs. Hansen were sisters of your great grandfather and my grandfather. The Knudsens may have lived in Hamburg, Germany and Mrs. Hansen lived in Connecticut. They state that Mrs. Knudsen had two daughters. You can see the sisters in the picture that Donald sent you. Mrs. Hansen had a son and daughter.The notes for the picture state that Mrs. Hansen was named "Christina" and was married to Peter Hansen and their children were Theodore and Katie. This is information we received from our Aunt Gertrud, my father's half-sister by Carl Nicolai's first wife, Caroline. My grandmother, Rose Metzler Christesen, was Carl Nicolai's second wife, She was born in New York and her parents were born in Germany.

Johannes Johansen Kjær

Arbejdsmand (brøndbygger)i Halk og Øsby sogn - senere købmand i Bylderup-Bov.

Maria Dorthea Jessen

Boede i Hyrup.

Faddere: Klaus Rudbecks Hst. Mette Marie, Hans Hansen og Birgith Nissen alle af Haistrup

Konfirmeret i Øsby Kirke, Palmesøndag den 2. April 1882 som nr 5 af 18

Charles Nicolai Christesen

Kalde sig Charly.

Slagtermester med slagterbutik Hoptrup Hovedgade 43 fra 1929 til 1963. Moderen ejede forretningen før og sønnen efter.

Charly har været i lærte hos sin far og Schneman i Aabenrå. Faderen var også slagter i Hoptrup, Charly arbejdede som svend i Haderslev og Aakierkeby. Ved faderens død i 1920 bortforpaktede hans enke forretningen til V. Byrild (som hun giftede sig med). En ny bygning blev opført i 1923. Og i 1925 overtog Charly forpagtningen sammen med sin kone Mary, hvor butikken blev hendes arbejdsplads, han købte den i 1929. Den var indrettet med moderne maskiner og i 1934 installeredes der et moderne køleanlæg. Han havde desuden eget pølsemageri og slagtehus. I 1965 overdrog han forretningen til sin søn Bent, der har den til 1990.

Mary Christine Juhl

Hun havde 11 søskende.

Kaj Thorkild Andersen

Mekanikersvend ved bryllup, hvor der var udsted kongebrev p.g.a. hans alder.

FT-1930: Lee, Bjerringbro, Viborg, Danmark.

FT-1925: Hjorthede, Middelsom, Viborg, Danmark.

Emmy Marie Hansen

Ve vielse boende i Hjermind sogn.