Anetræ for familien Krogsgaard og mange mange flere


Povl Berleme

In about 1982 Povl stopped working for D.F. Paper denmark and moved to
He setteled in France 13 years ago and had a vine export agency in
France till 1994, where he was go between a fesnh exporter and danish
importers, as he states a Mr 5% Married to a danish/frensh women
considerable younger than he. Lives in a villa out in the country side..

Anne Birgitte Berleme

married to engineer , she lektor Copenhagen 1 son 17 years old

Eva Marianne Berleme

Married lives Victoria Canada 1 daughter 19 years of age

Birgitte Gamborg

Has silver candles and picture from Holbäkgaard got them from faster Gog.