Anetræ for familien Krogsgaard og mange mange flere



ukendte_koder CHAN
DATE 10 APR 2008
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DATE 10 APR 2008
TIME 00:08:20
DATE 10 APR 2008
TIME 00:08:20

Thora Hansen

ukendte_koder CHAN
DATE 10 APR 2008
TIME 00:08:20
DATE 10 APR 2008
TIME 00:08:20

John Denis Lars Christsen


Ingen børn.

Oplysninger sendt i 2009:

John D. Christesen, Professor of Management and Chairman of the Department of Business at SUNY Westchester Community College holds the Joseph and Sophia Abeles Distinguished Chair of Business. He earned his B.A. in Economic Theory from Hunter College, his M.B.A. (with Distinction) from The Lubin School, Pace University and holds a Doctor of Industrial Management (Honoris Causa) from the University of Industrial Management. Post Graduate Studies were at Columbia University Teacher’s College, Pace University Urban Institute, and Holyoke Community College.
He is past President of the New York State Association of Two Year Colleges and served as the first President of the Northeastern Association of Two Year Colleges. He currently serves as Chief Executive Officer of Alpha Beta Gamma International Business Honor Society. He is on the adjunct faculty of Mercy College and Iona College. He Co-authored The Complete Resume Handbook, wrote the AVT Business Program Design Multimedia Business Course for Harcourt Brace., The Teacher’s Guide for Economics, Taxation, Banking and Business Organization for Eyegate Publishers; Introduction to Business for Prentice Hall Media, Management Miscellany for Collegium Book Publishers, Inc., and the Computertized Text Bank for Weirich’s Management for McGraw Hill.

Other work experience includes Butler Lumber, Lever Brothers Company (in sales, finance and fiscal divisons) and The Cycle Circus, Inc. Consulting activities ranged from FLEXA (French Export Assn, Paris) , Institute for Human Management Alternatives, Brunetta Report, Proftech Corporation, American Data Corporation, College Financial Systems, Advantage Travel and hundreds of small businesses. He has consulted for the New York State Department of Education. He was appointed to the White House Commission on Small Business and Chaired the Urban Development Corporation’s Lewisboro Housing Commission.

He has served on the Board of Directors of Alpha Beta Gamma, Inc., Investment Properties Corporation (Naples Fla), CPS, Inc., Goldmark Plastics Inc., Compuweather Concepts, Inc.; Proftech Corporation, The Westchester Minority Development Corporation, NYSATYC., Inc., and BioMedical Concepts, Inc. and, Inc. He currently chairs the Collegiate Advisory Board of Hudson Valley Bank.

He is or has been affiliated with the American Management Association, the National Association of Business Economists, the American Association of Community Colleges, the National Society of Literature and the Arts., the National Economics Club, Washington DC; the Academy of Management, the Association of MBA Execs.; Delta Mu Delta Graduate Honor Society; the Assn. For Supervision and Curriculum Development, and the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

He is listed in, Who’s Who in American Education and Who’s Who in Finance and Industry, Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World. Prof. Christesen has received over 40 honors and distinctions including the Medallion Award in Education and the Gene Winter Outstanding Professor of New York.

Prof. Christesen lives in Bronxville New York.

Fra hans død (oversat fra engelsk):

I 40 år var John Denis Christesen en elsket professor ved SUNY Westchester Community College (WCC.). Han ledede sine klasser i sin velkendte blå blazer og hvide skjorte, han underviste i business-klasser og var kendt for sin ærede klasse af "Principles of Management."

På WCC's smukke campus opmuntrede og gav han alle studerende muligheder for at forfølge deres drømme for at forbedre deres liv såvel som deres familier gennem videregående uddannelse. Han havde vejledt og undervist tusindvis af studerende i sin karriere.

Som teenager i Bronx arbejdede John altid hårdt og ledte efter muligheder for at forbedre sit og sin families liv. Da han voksede op, arbejdede han mange deltidsjobs fra at levere mælk til familier på femte sals lejligheder til at være personlig assistent for prominente New Yorkere. Han troede altid på at forbedre dig selv gennem hårdt arbejde og uddannelse.

Efter at have dimitteret fra Lehman College, på det tidspunkt kun en stipendieinstitution, begyndte John sin iværksætterkarriere. Efter mange års opbygning af en cykelimport- og detailforretning sammen med sin bror, opnåede han en Executive MBA og en doktorgrad i industriel ledelse. Hans passion var virksomhedsledelse, og i mange år, mens han uddannede studerende, nød han også en succesfuld karriere inden for ledelsesrådgivning.

Han startede som adjungeret professor og blev til sidst formand for Business Department på WCC, og han sluttede aldrig sin glæde ved at vejlede studerende til at vokse og trives. I løbet af sin karriere udviklede han adskillige stipendieprogrammer for sine afgangsstuderende til fireårige institutioner. Fra lokale gymnasier og universiteter til verdenskendte Ivy League-skoler, sikrede han muligheder for sine bedste studerende til at fortsætte deres uddannelse og ændre deres liv. Hans mission var at give eleverne muligheder for at forbedre deres liv uanset deres økonomiske status eller etnicitet.

Hans hengivenhed og succes i sin akademiske karriere blev bemærket ved, at han modtog den første udnævnelse af Joseph og Sophie Abeles Distinguished Chair of Business ved WCC, den første sådan pris til en business professor. Han modtog også Distinguished Professorship, hvis udnævnelse udgør en forfremmelse til New York State Universitys højeste akademiske rang og er tildelt af State University Board of Trustees.

Hans hengivenhed til studerende og deres akademiske sysler var også tydelig gennem hans lederskab som administrerende direktør for Alpha Beta Gamma, et internationalt æressamfund for studerende på toårige colleges. Strenge kvalifikationer samt en nominering fra et fakultetsmedlem var påkrævet for at studerende kunne blive en del af dette fornemme æressamfund. Studerende fra hele verden, der kvalificerede sig til at være medlemmer, blev benyttet af stipendiemuligheder og forretningsindsigt for at blive de næste ledere i forretningsverdenen.

Når han ikke underviste eller rådgiver studerende, forfattede han adskillige forretningsartikler og tidsskrifter. Han modtog over 40 priser og hædersbevisninger gennem hele sin karriere.

Uden for den akademiske verden nød han at fiske, spille orgel og male. Han overleves af sin livspartner Paul Cunningham, tvillingesøster Joan og søster Rosalie. Fordøde var hans brødre Carl og Donald.

Joan Christesen


E-mail sendt til Jens Kr. Kjær Krogsgaard den 5. juli 2009:

Dear Jens, after reading the emails from my siblings to you, I thought I'd introduce myself and my family. I'm Joan Christesen Conroy, John's twin. We'll be 73 in July. While living in New York with my siblings, I met the love of my life, John (Jack) T Conroy, Jr., who was studying at Fordham University, which is located only a few miles from our home. We married and he taught Philosophy but for a short time when he decided to go into the business world. We moved to Chicago, IL, (where he was born and his parents and siblings lived) and joined a general contractor in the accounting office. Within a year, 1963, we were asked to move to Naples Florida, where the company was a major force in area's condominium and commercial development. In 1969, Jack elected to enter the commercial real-estate business, where he continued to develop buildings and subdivisions. He retired in 2002, and returned to The University of Notre Dame (from which he had graduated in 1959) and secured a Ph.D. in Scripture in 2008. We spent over four years living in South Bend, Indiana, and were happy to return to Southwest Florida to our family and friends. We have three
children: Tom, 48, (an attorney) is married to Kim and they have four children. His eldest, John T. Conroy IV, just graduated from Notre Dame this past May and became engaged to his college sweetheart, Christine. They plan to be married next summer. Caitlin (19) is a sophomore at The University of Tampa this Fall. Patrick (16) and Michael (11) are both students at The Community School of Naples.
Mary Zoe, our second child, is 45, and married to Bill Bowden. They have six children. Mary Zoe has four children from a previous marriage and Bill two children from a previous marriage. Mary Zoe's children are Joan Isabelle,(20) a junior at Eckard College (in Florida); Alex (19) a sophomore at Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina; Kristin (17) and Zoe (16) both attend Seacrest Day Country School in Naples where Mary Zoe teaches literature and Spanish. She is presently ABD, hoping to get her PhD in a few years. Bill's children are Anthony, who graduated from the University of South Florida this past May and will be attending the Bristol Old Vic Theater (School) this Fall. Rachel (17) attends Seacrest with Kristin and Zoe. Our youngest daughter, Kristin, is married to Kevin Casey.
She is an attorney and works with her brother Tom at Conroy, Conroy and Durant. The firm specializes in real estate law. They have two children, Elissa, 9 ,and Liam, 7; both attend Osceola School. Jack and I have been blessed to have our whole family living in Naples.
This happens very seldom in the United States. We have celebrated all birthdays and holidays together for many years; and only lately miss those who are now in college. The family keeps me busy as well as church and community activities. It was so good to hear from you and see your family picture. I'll send you a family picture shortly.
Jack and I send our best regards, Joan

Clement Jürgen Christensen

Eller Cleemann Jürgen Christesen.

Civil ingeniør.

Forlod Danmark og emigrerede til Brisbane, Australien, da han nægtede at blive indkaldt til den tyske hær efter at Slesvig-Holstein var annekteret i 1864.

Flyttede til Cunnamulla p.g.a. ægtefælles astma og fik arbejde i PMG.

Brigid O'Reilly

Stammede fra Irland, men bosatte sig i Brisbane, Australien.

Fik p.g.a. høj luftfugtighed astmaanfald og Clement og Brigid måtte flytte til Cunnamulla hvor det var tørre.

Patrick Christesen

Var blond og havde blå øjne.

Uddannet på St. Joseph's College, Nudgee.

Var en eminent reffelskytte og var medlem af Queenlands skydehold.

Var ansat i Department of Justice.

Susan Stewart Byrne

Hun var mest af irsk afstamning.

Hendes tip-oldefar, Hugh Vesty Byrne, fik tilladelse til at emigrere til Amerika med familien, men de opdagede til deres skræk at det skib de havde taget, Tellicherry, gik til Australien ! De bosatte sig i Campbelltown nær Sydney.

Clement Byrne Christesen

Havde ingen børn.

Var en kendt forfatter.

The information about the famili is in Chapter 2 of "The Christesen Romance, by Judith Armstrong, Melbourne University Press."

Cousin Rosalie:

I have a copy of a letter that C.B. Christesen wrote to Donald. He states that Clement and my grandfather (he calls him Charles, not Carl) migrated. He said that there was a third brother, the youngest, but he did not know his name or anything about him. His brother, Paul, was a scientist, who was six years younger than he. Paul's first wife, was Elspeth (nee Salkeld). Paul had a son Ian, who lives in Brisbane with his son Grant and a daughter, Nina Joan, who is married with no children, who Donald and Ermine met in Australia. In this letter, he said that before the outbreak of war, he went to Hamburg to meet his great uncle, Captain Asmus Knudsen, one-time Commadore of the Amerika-Hamburg Line. He could not recall how Knudsen was connected with the Christesen family. However, Donald sent you a picture of Asmus Knudsen when he was visiting Connecticut. He was the husband of one of the sisters of Carl Nicolai and Nicolai Bernhard. In the picture that we have, it states that Mrs. Knudsen and Mrs. Hansen were sisters of your great grandfather and my grandfather. The Knudsens may have lived in Hamburg, Germany and Mrs. Hansen lived in Connecticut. They state that Mrs. Knudsen had two daughters. You can see the sisters in the picture that Donald sent you. Mrs. Hansen had a son and daughter.The notes for the picture state that Mrs. Hansen was named "Christina" and was married to Peter Hansen and their children were Theodore and Katie. This is information we received from our Aunt Gertrud, my father's half-sister by Carl Nicolai's first wife, Caroline. My grandmother, Rose Metzler Christesen, was Carl Nicolai's second wife, She was born in New York and her parents were born in Germany.

Nina Mikhailovna Maximov

Her parents moved around the world to several places and settled in Australia. She had no children.

Nina was famous for being the first university professor in Australia to teach Russian.

Paul Christesen

Was a scientist. Se envidere note under broderen.

Andreas Christian Ludvig Grove-Rasmussen

Student 1855 (Haderslev Skole), cand.theol. 1860. 1862 Kapellan for Balslev-Ejby menighed (Fyen). Januar 1864 Kapellan for Gram menighed. 1868 sognepræst til Foel. 1870 afskediget af Tyskerne, som følge af nej til i sin kirkebøn at bede for tysk sejr over Frankrig. 1871 udsendt til U.S.A. af udvalget for den dansk-amerikanske mission. 1871-74 rejsepræst. 1874 sognepræst til Harte og Bramdrup. 1878 sognepræst til Allerup og Davinde. 1892 sognepræst til St. Hans Kirke, Odense.

Reimer Grove-Rasmussen

Overtoldkontrollør i Odense.

Martin Reimers

Fysikus for Haderslev-Vestweamt,

Peter Carl Junius Rasmussen

Student 1825, cand.theol. 1829. Adjunkt i Odense 1830. Ordineret Kateket i Horsens 1834, Sognepræst til Marstal 1843 og til Rise (Ærø) 1854.

Peter Carl Immanuel Christoffer Grove-Rasmussen

Cand.pharm. Apoteker i Skærbæk, Brædstrup, Odense og sidst på apoteket Falken på Frederiksberg.