Helge Freiberg was born on 26 Aug 1936. He married Lissie Bernstoff von Sperling on 16 Feb 1961 in Frederiksberg Slotskirke, Frederiksberg. Helge was employed as Cand.med., Læge.
Lissie Bernstoff von Sperling [Parents] was born on 6 Feb 1931. She married Helge Freiberg on 16 Feb 1961 in Frederiksberg Slotskirke, Frederiksberg.
They had the following children:
M i Peter Ulrik von Sperling Freiberg was born on 18 Aug 1965. M ii Yan Martin von Sperling Freiberg was born on 14 Oct 1967.
Kurt Ditlev Vilhelm von Sperling [Parents] was born on 31 Dec 1904. He died in 1974. He married Grethe Lund Pedersen on 3 May 1941 in Aalborg. Kurt was employed as Salgsinspektør i Nordisk Essens A/S.
Grethe Lund Pedersen was born on 21 Jan 1920 in Aalborg. She died in 1973. She married Kurt Ditlev Vilhelm von Sperling on 3 May 1941 in Aalborg.
They had the following children:
F i Ruth von Sperling was born on 18 Apr 1942 in Aalborg. M ii Peter Vilhelm von Sperling was born on 7 Sep 1943 in Aalborg. F iii Vibeke von Sperling was born on 26 Jan 1945. She died on 13 May 2017.
Christopher Nicolaj de Nørager til Stamhuset Sandholt [Parents].Christopher married Christine Caroline Ronno. Christopher was employed as Oberstløjtnant ( Hæren - Forsvaret ), Godsejer in Sandholt Gods, Broby.
Christine Caroline Ronno.Christine married Christopher Nicolaj de Nørager til Stamhuset Sandholt.
They had the following children:
M i Carl Christian de Nørager. Carl was employed as Ritmester. F ii Martha Nobel de Nørager was born in 1787. She died in 1855. M iii Hans Nobel de Nørager til Stamhuset Sandholt was born in 1790. He died in 1866.
He had the following children:
F i Amalie Henriette Christiane von Suckow was born in 1792. She died in 1866. F ii Anne Louise von Suckow was born in 1794.
Christian de Nørager died in 1766. He married Martha Margrethe Nobel til Stamhuset Sandholt. Christian was employed as Kancelliraad.
Martha Margrethe Nobel til Stamhuset Sandholt [Parents].Martha married Christian de Nørager. Martha was employed as Godsejer in Sandholt Gods, Broby.
They had the following children:
M i Christopher Nicolaj de Nørager til Stamhuset Sandholt. M ii Hans Nobel de Nørager til Stamhuset Sandholt was born in 1745. He died in 1789. Hans was employed as Justitsraad, Godsejer in Sandholt Gods, Broby. [Notes]
Peter Urban von Bruun died in 1852. He married Martha Nobel de Nørager. Peter was employed as Major ( Hæren - Forsvaret ).
Martha Nobel de Nørager [Parents] was born in 1787. She died in 1855. She married Peter Urban von Bruun.
They had the following children:
F i Frederikke von Bruun was born in 1812. Frederikke was employed as Konventualinde i Odense adelige Kloster. F ii Wilhelmine von Bruun was born in 1819.
Hans Nobel til Stamhuset Sandholt [Parents] was born in 1682. He died in 1752. He married Dorothea Jessen. Hans was employed as Justitsraad, Amtmand over Stavanger, Godsejer in Sandholt Gods, Broby.
Dorothea Jessen.Dorothea married Hans Nobel til Stamhuset Sandholt.
They had the following children:
F i Martha Margrethe Nobel til Stamhuset Sandholt. M ii Hans Hansen Nobel til Stamhuset Sandholt was born in 1717. He died in 1756. Hans was employed as Godsejer in Sandholt Gods, Broby. [Notes]
Hans Nobel til Stamhuset Sandholt was born in 1657 in Christianopel, Blekkinge Län, Sverige. He died in 1732. He married nn Garmann in 1692. Hans was employed as Etatsraad, Amtmand, Godsejer af Damsbo in Sandholt Gods, Broby.
nn Garmann [Parents].nn married Hans Nobel til Stamhuset Sandholt in 1692.
They had the following children:
M i Hans Nobel til Stamhuset Sandholt was born in 1682. He died in 1752.
Johan Garmann til Holden & Vitsø.
He had the following children:
F i nn Garmann.
Aksel Marcussen Schack [Parents] 1 was born on 10 Sep 1922 in Rude, Skælskør. He married Kirsten Elmholt on 8 Feb 1947 in Rude, Skælskør. Aksel was employed as Cand.jur., Landsretssagfører ( Advokat ) in Hillerød.
Kirsten Elmholt [Parents] was born on 13 Nov 1923 in København. She married Aksel Marcussen Schack on 8 Feb 1947 in Rude, Skælskør. Kirsten was employed as Cand.jur., Landsretssagfører ( Advokat ) in Hillerød.
They had the following children:
F i Birgitte Schack was born on 24 Jun 1958. Birgitte was employed as Cand.jur., Advokat.