Andreas Emil Bierberg was born in 1889. He married Gudrun Augusta Severins in 1924. Andreas was employed as Kontorchef i A/S Assurance-Compagniet Baltica ( Baltica - Tryg ) in København.
Gudrun Augusta Severins [Parents] was born on 10 May 1886 in København. She married Andreas Emil Bierberg in 1924.
Other marriages:Bache, Paulus
Engelhardt, Svend Oluf
Svend Oluf Engelhardt was born in 1886. He died in 1961. He married Karen Hellstrøm Møller in 1928. Svend was employed as Overretssagfører ( Advokat ).
Other marriages:Severins, Gudrun Augusta
Karen Hellstrøm Møller.Karen married Svend Oluf Engelhardt in 1928.
Nikolaus Beselin.Nikolaus married Katharina Rhode. Nikolaus was employed as Raadsherre.
Katharina Rhode.Katharina married Nikolaus Beselin.
They had the following children:
F i Catharina Beselin was born about 1536. She died on 9 Jan 1593.
Johann von Herverden died before 1584. He married Catharina Beselin. Johann was employed as Raadmand in Rostock, Mecklenburg, Deutschland.
Catharina Beselin [Parents] was born about 1536. She died on 9 Jan 1593. She married Johann von Herverden.
Other marriages:Bacmeister, Lucas
Johann Vischer. Johann was employed as in Alost, Flandern.
He had the following children:
F i Anna Vischer was born about 1560. She died in 1613.
Oluf Lundt de Bang [Parents] was born on 11 Sep 1731. He died in 1789. He married Antoinette Frederikke Horn in 1762. Oluf was employed as Konferensraad, Cand.jur., Prokurator ( Advokat ), Kammeradvokat (1763-1780), Højesteretsassessor ( Højesteretsdommer ), Højesteretsjustiarius in København.
Other marriages:Schjødt, Else Marie
Antoinette Frederikke Horn [Parents] was born in 1741. She died in 1773. She married Oluf Lundt de Bang in 1762.
They had the following children:
M i Christian Frederik de Bang was born in 1764. He died in 1781. Christian was employed as Kadet ( Søværnet - Forsvaret ).
Jacob de Bang [Parents] was born in 1739. He died in 1797. Jacob was employed as Amtsforvalter.
He had the following children:
M i Lars de Bang was born in 1776. He died in 1866.
Peder Schwane de Bang [Parents] was born in 1744. He died in 1792. Peder was employed as Cand.theol., Sognepræst.
He had the following children:
M i Jacob Hansen de Bang was born on 19 Apr 1770. He died on 28 Feb 1841.
Frederik Ludvig de Bang [Parents] 1 was born on 5 Jan 1747 in Egebjerggaard, Højby, Ods, Holbæk. He died on 26 Dec 1820. He married Lovise Hansen. Frederik was employed as Læge, Professor i Medicin ved Det lægevidenskabelige Fakultet hos Københavns Universitet ( C13-1 og C2-30 ).
Lovise Hansen was born on 26 Jul 1765 in Helligaandskirken, København. She died on 16 Jan 1845 in Ferslev, Horns, Frederiksborg. She married Frederik Ludvig de Bang.
They had the following children:
M i Oluf "Ole" Lundt de Bang was born on 27 Jul 1788. He died on 12 Oct 1877.
Niels de Bang til Benzonsdal & Sparresholm [Parents] was born on 20 Feb 1776. He died on 30 Aug 1815. He married Cathrine Amalie Henriette Callisen til Sparresholm on 11 May 1802. Niels was employed as Cand.jur., Godsejer in Sparresholm Gods, Holme-Olstrup, Holmegaard.
Cathrine Amalie Henriette Callisen til Sparresholm [Parents] was born on 8 Apr 1779. She married Niels de Bang til Benzonsdal & Sparresholm on 11 May 1802. Cathrine was employed as Godsejer in Sparresholm Gods, Holme-Olstrup, Holmegaard.
They had the following children:
M i Olaf Heinrich Niels de Bang til Sparresholm was born on 12 Jul 1803. He died on 12 Jul 1878.