Iver Wahl Hofman-Bang [Parents] was born on 20 Mar 1817. He died on 3 Aug 1892. He married Hilda Christina Grønwell on 25 Aug 1859. Iver was employed as Lærer ved Landbrugsinstitutet in Hofmansgave Gods, Otterup.
Hilda Christina Grønwell was born on 23 May 1837. She married Iver Wahl Hofman-Bang on 25 Aug 1859.
They had the following children:
F i Hilda Charlotta Sofia Hofman-Bang was born on 4 Jun 1860. M ii John Ludvig Hofman-Bang was born on 8 Jul 1861. F iii Maria Amalia Christiana Hofman-Bang was born on 3 Dec 1864. M iv Niels Theodor Erik Adolph Hofman-Bang was born on 12 Feb 1866. Niels was employed as Gymanastikdirektør. F v Sophia Mortina Hofman-Bang was born on 25 Jan 1867. F vi Hilda Elvira Hofman-Bang was born on 21 May 1871. M vii Ove Malling Hofman-Bang was born on 2 Dec 1874. Ove was employed as Kand.fil. in Uppsala, Sverige.
Ove Malling Hofman-Bang [Parents] was born on 5 Mar 1873. He died in 1940. Ove was employed as Cand.phil., Lærer, Arkivregistrator.
He had the following children:
M i Niels Hofman-Bang was born in 1915. Niels was employed as Kemiker.
Søren Hofman til Skarildsgaard [Parents] was born in 1668. He died in 1771.
He had the following children:
M i Hans de Hofman til Skarildsgaard was born in 1713. He died in 1793. M ii Tycho de Hofman was born in 1714. He died in 1754. Tycho was employed as Genealog. M iii Niels de Hofman til Ravnstrup & Bøttingershholm was born in 1717 in Skjerrildgård. He was christened on 15 Sep 1717 in Nebsager. He died in 1785. Niels was employed as Konferensraad, Amtmand in Bøttingersholm. He was employed as Landsdommer på Sjælland. F iv Johanne Marie de Hofman was born in 1722. She died in 1809.
Tøger Hofman til Gunderupgaard [Parents] was born in 1648. He died in 1692.
He had the following children:
M i Søren Hofman til Skarildsgaard was born in 1668. He died in 1771.
Søren Hofman [Parents] was born in 1600. He died in 1649. Søren was employed as Læge.
He had the following children:
M i Tøger Hofman til Gunderupgaard was born in 1648. He died in 1692.
Niels Jacobsen [Parents] was born in 1556. He died in 1624. He married Maria Pedersdatter Larsson.
Maria Pedersdatter Larsson.Maria married Niels Jacobsen.
Other marriages:Hofman, Søren
They had the following children:
M i Søren Hofman was born in 1600. He died in 1649.
Søren Hofman.Søren married Maria Pedersdatter Larsson. Søren was employed as Borgmester.
Maria Pedersdatter Larsson.Maria married Søren Hofman.
Other marriages:Jacobsen, Niels
Jacob Mogensen died in 1585. Jacob was employed as Selevejerbonde.
He had the following children:
M i Niels Jacobsen was born in 1556. He died in 1624.
Lorents Bertelsen [Parents] was born in 1684. He died in 1752. He married Anna Cathrine Monrad. Lorents was employed as Herredsfoged in Rost, Løgum.
Anna Cathrine Monrad was born in 1680. She died in 1757. She married Lorents Bertelsen.
They had the following children:
M i Bartholomæus Bertelsen de Cederfeld was born on 19 Jan 1715. He died on 12 Nov 1783.
Mathias de Brandt [Parents] was born in 1691. He died in 1761. He married Mette Hansdatter Marcussen. Mathias was employed as Justitsraad, Krigskommissær, Husfoged i Hadersev, Ridefoged i Tyrstrup og Haderslev Herreder in Haderslev.
Mette Hansdatter Marcussen [Parents] was born in 1705. She died in 1780. She married Mathias de Brandt.
They had the following children:
F i Cathrine Marie de Brandt was born on 8 Sep 1727. She died on 23 Dec 1756.