Hannes Christian Steimgrim Finsen [Parents] was born on 13 May 1828 in Reykjavik, Iceland. He died on 18 Nov 1892 in Ribe. He married Johanne Sophie Caroline Christine Formann on 12 May 1858. Hannes was employed as Kancelliraad, Cand.jur., Amtmand over Færørerne og senere Stiftamtmand over Ribe in Ribe.
Other marriages:Formann, Birgitte Kirstine
Johanne Sophie Caroline Christine Formann [Parents] was born on 12 Aug 1833 in Bellinge. She died on 10 May 1864 in Thorshavn, Færøerne. She married Hannes Christian Steimgrim Finsen on 12 May 1858.
They had the following children:
M i Olaf Finsen was born on 3 Feb 1859. He died on 15 Sep 1937. M ii Niels Ryberg Finsen was born on 15 Dec 1860. He died on 24 Sep 1904. F iii Elisabeth Finsen. M iv Vilhelm Hannes Finsen 1 was born on 30 Sep 1863. He died on 11 Dec 1935. Vilhelm was employed as Overpostkontrollør ved Post- og Telegrafvæsenet ( Post Danmark ), Forfatter.
R J G C Wied.R married Sophie F Balslev. R J G C Wied was employed as Cand.theol., Sognepræst til Humble.
Sophie F Balslev [Parents] was born in 1841. She died in 1923. She married R J G C Wied.
They had the following children:
F i Marie L C Balslev Wied was born in 1875. She died in 1914.
Mourits G I V Krag was born in Dreslette. He married Marie Balslev. Mourits was employed as Distriktslæge i Assens.
Marie Balslev [Parents] was born in 1844. She died in 1870. She married Mourits G I V Krag.
C F Koch.C married Anna E E Balslev. C F Koch was employed as Cand.theol., Sognepræst, Stiftsprovst i Ribe Stift.
Anna E E Balslev [Parents] was born in 1834. She died in 1897. She married C F Koch.
They had the following children:
M i P G Koch was born on 20 Dec 1858. He died on 3 Nov 1922. M ii Carl Koch was born on 17 Sep 1860. He died on 11 Jan 1925.
Johannes E Balslev [Parents] was born in 1835. He died in 1878. He married Hertha Møller. Johannes was employed as Cand.theol., Sognepræst til Engum.
Hertha Møller.Hertha married Johannes E Balslev.
J C J Lykkegaard.J married Marie L C Balslev Wied. J C J Lykkegaard was employed as Cand.theol., Sognepræst til Nørre Felding.
Marie L C Balslev Wied [Parents] was born in 1875. She died in 1914. She married J C J Lykkegaard.
They had the following children:
F i Cathrarina Lykkegaard was born in 1914.
Jørgen Balslev was born in 1914 in Skamby, Odense. He married Cathrarina Lykkegaard.
Cathrarina Lykkegaard [Parents] was born in 1914 in Nørre Felding. She married Jørgen Balslev.
Johannes Christensen was born on 9 Apr 1907 in Ørsted. He married Henny Krogh Rasmussen on 30 Nov 1934 in St. Hans Kirke, Odense. Johannes was employed as Bagermester in Bred.
Henny Krogh Rasmussen [Parents] was born on 7 Dec 1904 in Stige. She married Johannes Christensen on 30 Nov 1934 in St. Hans Kirke, Odense.
They had the following children:
M i Jørgen Ulrik Urban Krogh Christensen was born on 25 Aug 1937 in Odense. F ii Inge Margrethe Krogh Christensen was born on 15 Dec 1939 in Odense.
Thøger Urban Krogh Rasmussen [Parents] was born on 31 Aug 1902 in Stige. He married Anna Johanne Christiane Johannesen on 7 Nov 1930 in Bøstrup Kirke, Bøstrup, Slagelse. Thøger was employed as Gaardejer i Gralegaard.
Anna Johanne Christiane Johannesen was born on 30 Jun 1909 in Eliselund, Bøstrup. She married Thøger Urban Krogh Rasmussen on 7 Nov 1930 in Bøstrup Kirke, Bøstrup, Slagelse.
They had the following children:
Søren Møller Thorsen [Parents] was born on 22 Dec 1857 in Gerrild. He died on 15 Mar 1917 in Hellerup. He married Johanne Treschow on 15 Jun 1893 in Kongens Lyngby. Søren was employed as Exam.jur., Sagfører ( Advokat ) in København.
Other marriages:Luytkis, Ane Kirstine Asp
Johanne Treschow [Parents] was born on 17 Nov 1868 in Norsminde, Saksild. She married Søren Møller Thorsen on 15 Jun 1893 in Kongens Lyngby.
They had the following children:
F i Inger Louise Thorsen was born on 3 Jun 1901.