Richard Bentley Lehmann [Parents] was born in 1832. He died in 1900. He married Eggertine Christine Egebeck. Richard was employed as Prokurator ( Advokat ).
Eggertine Christine Egebeck.Eggertine married Richard Bentley Lehmann.
They had the following children:
M i Henrik Christian Lehmann was born on 27 Sep 1864. He died on 9 Feb 1931. F ii Gerda Christine Lehmann. F iii Marie Lehmann. M iv Julius Lehmann.
Henrik Julius Lehmann [Parents] was born on 30 Aug 1869 in København. He died on 28 Nov 1925 in København. He married Gertrud "Gerta" Klug on 17 Aug 1900 in Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein. Henrik was employed as Cand.jur., Kontorchef i Kirkeministeriet & Unvervisningsministeriet siden i Unvervisningsministeriet Amtmand over Thisted in Thisted.
Gertrud "Gerta" Klug [Parents] was born on 29 Jun 1876 in Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein. She died on 17 Feb 1972 in Ordrup. She married Henrik Julius Lehmann on 17 Aug 1900 in Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein.
They had the following children:
F i Annelise Lehmann. M ii Jørgen Henrik Lehmann. M iii Henrik Julius Lehmann.
Sophus Wilhelm Wiberg [Parents] was born on 22 Aug 1811 in Odense. He died on 27 May 1882 in Jordløse, Faaborg. He married Vibeke Charlotte Holm on 9 May 1836 in Brændekilde, Odense.
Vibeke Charlotte Holm [Parents] was born on 29 Mar 1812 in Brændekilde, Odense. She died on 9 Apr 1880 in Jordløse, Faaborg. She married Sophus Wilhelm Wiberg on 9 May 1836 in Brændekilde, Odense.
They had the following children:
M i Frederik "Frits" Vilhelm Wiberg was born in 1837. He died in 1914. Frederik was employed as Cand.theol., Sognepræst til Silkeborg. M ii Julius August Wiberg was born on 1 Sep 1840. He died on 23 Mar 1892.
Heinrich Klug was born in 1837. He died in 1912. He married Emma Reddelien. Heinrich was employed as Dr.jur., Sagfører ( Advokat ), Senator i og Borgmester in Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein.
Emma Reddelien was born in 1847. She died in 1923. She married Heinrich Klug.
They had the following children:
F i Gertrud "Gerta" Klug was born on 29 Jun 1876. She died on 17 Feb 1972.
Steffen Møhl.Steffen married Annelise Lehmann.
Annelise Lehmann [Parents].Annelise married Steffen Møhl.
Henrik Julius Lehmann [Parents].Henrik married Birthe Andersen.
Birthe Andersen.Birthe married Henrik Julius Lehmann.
They had the following children:
M i Henrik Jutting Lehmann. M ii Carl Adam Jutting Lehmann.
Henrik Christian Lehmann [Parents] was born on 27 Sep 1864. He died on 9 Feb 1931. He married Annette Nielsen. Henrik was employed as Cand.jur., Dommer.
Annette Nielsen.Annette married Henrik Christian Lehmann.
Otto Heering Müller [Parents].Otto married Gerda Christine Lehmann.
Gerda Christine Lehmann [Parents].Gerda married Otto Heering Müller.
Julius Lehmann [Parents].Julius married Marie Louise Scherbeck.
Other marriages:Westring, Jenny
Hjelmman, Ellis Elisabeth
Marie Louise Scherbeck.Marie married Julius Lehmann.
They had the following children:
F i Asta Lehmann.
Julius Lehmann [Parents].Julius married Jenny Westring.
Other marriages:Scherbeck, Marie Louise
Hjelmman, Ellis Elisabeth
Jenny Westring.Jenny married Julius Lehmann.
They had the following children:
M i Rune Westring Lehmann. F ii Aase Westring Lehmann.