Bertel Simonsen [Parents] died in 1731. He married Dorthea Autzen. Bertel was employed as Skovrider.
Dorthea Autzen.Dorthea married Bertel Simonsen.
They had the following children:
M i Christopher Simonsen.
Simon Bertelsen.Simon married Kirsten Boldich.
Kirsten Boldich.Kirsten married Simon Bertelsen.
They had the following children:
M i Andreas Simonsen was born in 1680. He died in 1733. Andreas was employed as Krigskommissær. M ii Hans Simonsen was born in 1688. He died in 1768. Hans was employed as Amtmand, Godsejer af Søndergaarde. M iii Bertel Simonsen died in 1731.
Clemen Clemensen.Clemen married Karen Johansdatter Borchenfeldt. Clemen was employed as Købmand.
Karen Johansdatter Borchenfeldt was born about 1650. She died in 1726. She married Clemen Clemensen.
Other marriages:Spleth, Lyder
They had the following children:
F i Christiane Sophie Clemensdatter.
Lyder Spleth died in 1713. He married Karen Johansdatter Borchenfeldt. Lyder was employed as Forpagter i Valdemar Slot.
Karen Johansdatter Borchenfeldt was born about 1650. She died in 1726. She married Lyder Spleth.
Other marriages:Clemensen, Clemen
Henning Wichfeld til Stamhuset Engestofte & Ulrichsdal [Parents] was born in 1767. He died in 1846. He married Anna Henriette Marie Braes. Henning was employed as Godsejer in Engestofte Gods, Engestofte, Maribo.
Anna Henriette Marie Braes was born in 1778. She died in 1853. She married Henning Wichfeld til Stamhuset Engestofte & Ulrichsdal.
They had the following children:
M i Jørgen Wichfeld til Stamhuset Engestofte & Ulrichsdal was born in 1800. He died in 1888.
Niels Preben Rosenkrantz [Parents] was born on 30 Apr 1795 in Kristinelund. He died on 12 Mar 1825 in Skanderborg. He married Karen Elisabeth Klingberg in 1821. Niels was employed as Kammerjunker, Amtmand over Skanderborg.
Karen Elisabeth Klingberg [Parents] was born in 1797. She died in 1863. She married Niels Preben Rosenkrantz in 1821.
They had the following children:
F i Warinka Frederikke Louise Rosenkrantz was born on 16 May 1822. She died in 1909. F ii Caroline Vilhelmine Elisabeth Rosenkrantz was born on 3 Jun 1824. She died on 1 Mar 1855.
Thomas Frederik Wichfeld til Engestofte & Ulrichsdal [Parents] was born in 1726. He died in 1803. He married Ingeborg Cathrine Braes in 1757. Thomas was employed as Oberst ( Hæren - Forsvaret ).
Ingeborg Cathrine Braes was born in 1736. She died in 1802. She married Thomas Frederik Wichfeld til Engestofte & Ulrichsdal in 1757.
They had the following children:
M i Henning Wichfeld til Stamhuset Engestofte & Ulrichsdal was born in 1767. He died in 1846.
Thomas Just de Jermiin til Stamhuset Ausumgaard [Parents] was born on 24 Jun 1711. He died on 8 Jul 1778. He married Magdalene Christiansdatter Teilmann in 1742. Thomas was employed as Konsistorialraad, Cand.theeol., Sognepræst til Hjerm, Provst, Godsejer in Ausumgaard Gods, Vejrum. He was naturalized.
Other marriages:Poulsen, Karen Nielsdatter de
Magdalene Christiansdatter Teilmann [Parents] was born in 1717. She died in 1742. She married Thomas Just de Jermiin til Stamhuset Ausumgaard in 1742.
They had the following children:
F i Christiane Marie de Jermiin was born in 1742. She died in 1760.
Christian Teilmann til Nørholm. Christian was employed as Etatsraad, Godsejer in Nørholm Gods.
He had the following children:
F i Magdalene Christiansdatter Teilmann was born in 1717. She died in 1742.
Niels de Poulsen til Gunderupgaard. Niels was employed as Godsejer.
He had the following children:
F i Karen Nielsdatter de Poulsen was born in 1715. She died in 1777. F ii Johanne Marie Nielsdatter de Poulsen was born in 1725. She died in 1793. M iii nn de Poulsen.