Schack greve Holck was born in 1701. He died in 1776. He married Christine Birgitte Jørgensdatter Bille til Ellinggaard & Vraa.
Christine Birgitte Jørgensdatter Bille til Ellinggaard & Vraa [Parents] was born in 1737. She died in 1767. She married Schack greve Holck.
Jørgen Brahe til Brahesborg, Bratskov, Engelsholm, Hvedholm, Knutstorp & Østrupgaard [Parents] was born in 1585. He died in 1661. He married Anne Predbjørnsdatter Gyldenstierne in 1615. Jørgen was employed as Godsejer in Hvedholm Gods, Baag, Faaborg. He resided.
Anne Predbjørnsdatter Gyldenstierne [Parents] was born in 1596. She died in 1677. She married Jørgen Brahe til Brahesborg, Bratskov, Engelsholm, Hvedholm, Knutstorp & Østrupgaard in 1615.
They had the following children:
M i Steen Brahe til Knutstorp was born on 28 Aug 1623. He died on 26 Feb 1677. M ii Preben Brahe til Engelsholm, Hvedholm & Østrupgaard was born in 1627. He died in 1708.
Anne Brok [Parents].
She had the following children:
M i Lauge "Lave" Brahe til Krogholm & Vittskövle was born about 1500. He died in 1567. M ii Jens Brahe til Hammar, Löberöd & Vittskövle died in 1560.
Erik Bille til Kærsgaard [Parents] 1 was born in 1561. He died on 26 Jun 1641.
He had the following children:
M i Steen Bille til Kærsgaard was born in 1608. He died in 1672. Steen was employed as Oberst ( Hæren - Forsvaret ), Landkommissær.
Lauge "Lave" Brahe til Krogholm & Vittskövle [Parents] was born about 1500. He died in 1567. He married Gørvel Sparre. Lauge was employed as Godsejer. He resided.
Gørvel Sparre.Gørvel married Lauge "Lave" Brahe til Krogholm & Vittskövle.
Other marriages:Ulfstand, Truid Gregersen til Barsebäck, Giske & Torup
Peder Brahe til Mygdal, Rennesnäs & Gyllebo died in 1364/1376.
He had the following children:
M i Thorkild Brahe til Mygdal & Rennesnäs was born about 1396. He died in 1447.
Filip Birgersson 1 died about 1279. He married Cecilia Knutsdatter.
Cecilia Knutsdatter [Parents] 1.Cecilia married Filip Birgersson.
They had the following children:
M i Johan Filipsson died on 27 Aug 1280.
Tyge Axelson Brahe [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 5 in Tosterup, Kristianstad, Malmöhus Len, Sverige. He died on 17 Sep 1523 in Faldet ved Malmö. He was buried in Tostrup kirke. He married Magdalene Olufsdatter Krognos til Knutstorp. Tyge was employed as 1502 Høvedsmand Paa Højstrup, 1514 Lensmand på Sæbygård (Rønnebergs herred). He resided. He was employed as Godsejer.
Other marriages:Rud, Sophie Jørgensdatter
Magdalene Olufsdatter Krognos til Knutstorp [Parents] died after 1518. She married Tyge Axelson Brahe.
They had the following children:
M i Jørgen Brahe til Tostrup & Elvedgaard was born in 1515. He died in 1565.
Tyge Brahe [Parents] 1, 2 was born on 7 Sep 1581. He died on 2 Sep 1627. He married Markyta von Vitzthum.
Markyta von Vitzthum 1.Markyta married Tyge Brahe.
They had the following children:
F i Christine Barbara Brahe died after 1628. M ii Otte Thyge Brahe died before 1671.
Jørgen Brahe til Tostrup & Elvedgaard [Parents] was born in 1515. He died in 1565. He married Inger Johansdatter Oxe. Jørgen was employed as Lensmand, Godsejer.
Inger Johansdatter Oxe [Parents] died in 1592. She married Jørgen Brahe til Tostrup & Elvedgaard.