Hans Arenfeldt til Palsgaard, Rugaard, Lysholt & Viufgaard [Parents] was born about 1573. He died in 1611. He married Anne Marsvin.
Anne Marsvin [Parents] was born in 1569. She died in 1610. She married Hans Arenfeldt til Palsgaard, Rugaard, Lysholt & Viufgaard.
They had the following children:
M i Axel Arenfeldt til Basnæs & Lysholt was born in 1590. He died in 1647. F ii Karen Hansdatter Arenfeldt til Bregentved was born in 1598. She died in 1673.
Aage Brahe til Tostrup [Parents] died in 1525. He married Beate Jensdatter Ulfstand on 16 Jan 1519 in Ystad, Skaane, Sverige.
Other marriages:Sparre, Johanne Henriksdatter
Beate Jensdatter Ulfstand [Parents] 1 was born in Sølvitsborg. She died on 3 Sep 1523. She married Aage Brahe til Tostrup on 16 Jan 1519 in Ystad, Skaane, Sverige.
Other marriages:Bille, Erik
They had the following children:
F i Beate Brahe til Tostrup was born in 1523. She died in 1602.
Aage Brahe til Tostrup [Parents] died in 1525. He married Johanne Henriksdatter Sparre.
Other marriages:Ulfstand, Beate Jensdatter
Johanne Henriksdatter Sparre [Parents] died in 1568. She married Aage Brahe til Tostrup.
Jørgen Lykke til Hverringe & Overgaard [Parents] died in 1583. He married Beate Brahe til Tostrup. Jørgen was employed as Godsejer. He resided.
Beate Brahe til Tostrup [Parents] was born in 1523. She died in 1602. She married Jørgen Lykke til Hverringe & Overgaard.
They had the following children:
F i Ide Jørgensdatter Lykke was born in 1560. She died on 10 Dec 1618. F ii Kirsten Jørgensdatter Lykke til Tostrup died in 1630.
He had the following children:
F i Johanne Henriksdatter Sparre died in 1568.
Christian Grubbe til Tostrup & Vedby [Parents] was born in 1624. He died in 1653. He married Else Mogensdatter Kaas af Sparre.
Else Mogensdatter Kaas af Sparre [Parents].Else married Christian Grubbe til Tostrup & Vedby.
Jørgen Grubbe til Tostrup [Parents].Jørgen married Mette Eriksdatter Lykke in 1606.
Other marriages:Rud, Lene Knudsdatter til Vedby
Mette Eriksdatter Lykke [Parents].Mette married Jørgen Grubbe til Tostrup in 1606.
They had the following children:
M i Christian Grubbe til Tostrup & Vedby was born in 1624. He died in 1653.
Eiler Grubbe til Lystrup [Parents] was born in 1532. He died in 1585. He married Kirsten Jørgensdatter Lykke til Tostrup in 1577. Eiler was employed as Lensmand over Mørup (1561-1585) & Hammer (1565-1585), Godsejer. He resided.
Kirsten Jørgensdatter Lykke til Tostrup [Parents] died in 1630. She married Eiler Grubbe til Lystrup in 1577.
Other marriages:Gyldenstierne, Niels til Bjørnholm
They had the following children:
M i Jørgen Grubbe til Tostrup.
Jørgen Grubbe til Tostrup [Parents].Jørgen married Lene Knudsdatter Rud til Vedby in 1614.
Other marriages:Lykke, Mette Eriksdatter
Lene Knudsdatter Rud til Vedby [Parents] was born in 1594. She died in 1671. She married Jørgen Grubbe til Tostrup in 1614.
They had the following children:
F i Margrethe Jørgensdatter Grubbe.
Erik Lykke til Skovgaard died in 1593. He married Margrethe Gøye til Bollerup.
Margrethe Gøye til Bollerup [Parents] died about 1613. She married Erik Lykke til Skovgaard.
They had the following children:
F i Mette Eriksdatter Lykke.