Thorkil Warrer [Parents] 1 was born on 3 Oct 1909 in Vejle. He died on 14 Aug 1961. He married Grete Wolhardt on 26 Apr 1952. Thorkil was employed as Konsul for Norge, Grosserer, Medejer af Thisted & Warrer (kulimport) in Villa Bel-Dan, Bredballe, Vejle.
Grete Wolhardt was born on 26 Jun 1931 in København. She married Thorkil Warrer on 26 Apr 1952.
Bo Ax:son Johnson [Parents] was born on 3 Oct 1917 in Stockholm, Sverige. He married Vera Wicander in 1962. Bo was employed as Adm. Direktør & Styrelsesordförande i Rederi AB Nordstjernan in Stockholm, Sverige.
Vera Wicander [Parents] was born in 1922. She married Bo Ax:son Johnson in 1962.
They had the following children:
F i Viveca Margaret Elisabeth Ax:son Johnson was born on 18 Jul 1963.
Axel Ax:son Johnson [Parents] was born in 1876. He died in 1958. He married Margaret Ortwin. Axel was employed as Generalkonsul, Ejer af Axel Johnson & Co. HAB & Rederi AB Nordstjernan in Stockholm, Sverige.
Margaret Ortwin.Margaret married Axel Ax:son Johnson.
They had the following children:
M i Axel Ax:son Johnson was born on 4 Oct 1910. He died in 1988. M ii Bo Ax:son Johnson was born on 3 Oct 1917. F iii Mildred Ax:son Johnson was born in 1924.
Axel Ax:son Johnson [Parents] was born on 4 Oct 1910 in Stockholm, Sverige. He died in 1988 in Stockholm, Sverige. He married Antonia do Amaral Souza in 1941. Axel was employed as Tekn.dr. h.c., Bergingeniör, Adm. Direktør & Styrelsesordförande i Axel Johnson & Co. HAB & Rederi AB Nordstjernan in Stockholm, Sverige.
Antonia do Amaral Souza was born in 1905. She married Axel Ax:son Johnson in 1941.
They had the following children:
F i Antonia Margaret Ax:son Johnson was born on 6 Sep 1943.
Nils G G greve Mörner [Parents] was born on 8 Sep 1936 in Tystberga, Södermans, Sverige. He married Antonia Margaret Ax:son Johnson in 1965. They were divorced in 1983. Nils was employed as vVD i Rederi AB Nordstjernan, VD i Datema og Datemainvest AB in Tystberga, Södermans, Sverige.
Antonia Margaret Ax:son Johnson [Parents] was born on 6 Sep 1943 in New York City, New York, United States of America. She married Nils G G greve Mörner in 1965. They were divorced in 1983. Antonia was employed as Styrelsesordförande i Axel Johnson AB & Axel Johnson, Inc., Styrelsesledamot i Axel & Margaret Ax:son Johnsons Stiftels in Stockholm, Sverige.
Other marriages:Ennerfelt, Pewe Göran
They had the following children:
F i Alexandra Mörner was born in 1967. F ii Caroline Mörner was born in 1969. M iii Axel Mörner was born in 1977. F iv Sophie Mörner was born in 1977.
Pewe Göran Ennerfelt [Parents] was born on 6 Mar 1940 in Norrköping, Sverige. He married Antonia Margaret Ax:son Johnson in 1984. Pewe was employed as Adm. Direktør i Axel Johnson AB in Upplands Väsby, Sverige.
Other marriages:Jonsson, Kerstin
Antonia Margaret Ax:son Johnson [Parents] was born on 6 Sep 1943 in New York City, New York, United States of America. She married Pewe Göran Ennerfelt in 1984. Antonia was employed as Styrelsesordförande i Axel Johnson AB & Axel Johnson, Inc., Styrelsesledamot i Axel & Margaret Ax:son Johnsons Stiftels in Stockholm, Sverige.
Other marriages:Mörner, Nils G G greve
Axel Johnson was born in 1844. He died in 1910. Axel was employed as Ejer af Axel Johnson & Co. HAB & Rederi AB Nordstjernan in Stockholm, Sverige.
He had the following children:
M i Axel Ax:son Johnson was born in 1876. He died in 1958.
Carl Göran greve Mörner.Carl married Mona Mannerheim. Carl was employed as Civil Jägerm¨ster in Tystberga, Södermans, Sverige.
Mona Mannerheim.Mona married Carl Göran greve Mörner.
They had the following children:
M i Nils G G greve Mörner was born on 8 Sep 1936.
Pewe E Ennerfelt.Pewe married Dagmar Tallroth. Pewe was employed as Direktør.
Dagmar Tallroth.Dagmar married Pewe E Ennerfelt.
They had the following children:
M i Pewe Göran Ennerfelt was born on 6 Mar 1940.
Pewe Göran Ennerfelt [Parents] was born on 6 Mar 1940 in Norrköping, Sverige. He married Kerstin Jonsson in 1964. They were divorced in 1981. Pewe was employed as Adm. Direktør i Axel Johnson AB in Upplands Väsby, Sverige.
Other marriages:Johnson, Antonia Margaret Ax:son
Kerstin Jonsson.Kerstin married Pewe Göran Ennerfelt in 1964. They were divorced in 1981.