Mogens Kaas [Parents].Mogens married Sidsel Friis.
Sidsel Friis.Sidsel married Mogens Kaas.
They had the following children:
M i Erik Kaas.
Erik Kaas (Sparre) [Parents] was born in 1522 in Staarupgaard, Højslev (Fjends H., Viborg). He died on 31 Dec 1578 in Støvringgaard Kloster (Støvring H., Randers). He was buried in Jan 1579 in Viborg Domkirke. He married Kirsten Pedersdatter Galt.
Kirsten Pedersdatter Galt [Parents] was born in 1536 in Palsgaard Gods, As (Bjerre H., Vejle). She died in 1616. She married Erik Kaas (Sparre).
They had the following children:
M i Mogens Kaas. M ii Niels Kaas. M iii Gjord Kaas (Sparre) died on 9 Mar 1616.
Niels Kaas [Parents].Niels married Margrethe von Banner.
Margrethe von Banner.Margrethe married Niels Kaas.
Gjord Kaas (Sparre) [Parents] died on 9 Mar 1616 in Antvorskov Slot (Slagelse H., Sorø). He married Ermegaard Christophersdatter Gyldenstierne.
Ermegaard Christophersdatter Gyldenstierne [Parents] was born on 19 Apr 1552 in Wedellsborg Slot (Iversnæs), Husby (Vends H., Odense). She died after 1615. She married Gjord Kaas (Sparre).
Niels Kaas [Parents] died in 1597. He married Birgitte Rosenkrantz af Rydhave.
Birgitte Rosenkrantz af Rydhave [Parents] died in 1603. She married Niels Kaas.
They had the following children:
F i Anne Kaas.
Timme Nielsen Rosenkrantz af Rydhave til Rydhave [Parents].Timme married Karen Viffert.
Karen Viffert [Parents].Karen married Timme Nielsen Rosenkrantz af Rydhave til Rydhave.
They had the following children:
F i Birgitte Rosenkrantz af Rydhave died in 1603.
Albert Rostrup.Albert married Anne Kaas.
Anne Kaas [Parents].Anne married Albert Rostrup.
They had the following children:
F i Karen Rostrup.
Christoffer Maltesen [Parents].Christoffer married Bodil Nielsdatter Friis.
Bodil Nielsdatter Friis [Parents].Bodil married Christoffer Maltesen.
They had the following children:
F i Karen Viffert.
Niels Axelsen Rosenkrantz af Rydhave til Rydhave [Parents] was born in 1505. He died in 1581.
He had the following children:
M i Timme Nielsen Rosenkrantz af Rydhave til Rydhave. M ii Axel Rosenkrantz af Rydhave til Buderupholm was born in 1552. He died in 1623.
Malte Lauridsen.Malte married Anne Albretsdatter Skeel.
Anne Albretsdatter Skeel [Parents].Anne married Malte Lauridsen.
They had the following children:
M i Christoffer Maltesen.