Sigurd Jacobsen.Sigurd married Carla Brath Sørensen. Sigurd was employed as Disponent.
Carla Brath Sørensen.Carla married Sigurd Jacobsen.
They had the following children:
F i Kari Jull Jacobsen was born on 28 Feb 1921.
Johan Nicolaj Flach de Neergaard til Førslevgaard [Parents] was born on 3 Dec 1950 in Næstved. He married Merete Louise Skov in Førslev Kirke, Førslev, Fuglebjerg. Johan was employed as Kammerherre, Hofjægermester, Agrarøkonom, Godsejer in Førslevgaard Gods, Fuglebjerg.
Merete Louise Skov was born on 14 May 1957. She married Johan Nicolaj Flach de Neergaard til Førslevgaard in Førslev Kirke, Førslev, Fuglebjerg.
They had the following children:
F i Barn-Child Flach de Neergaard was born on 29 Jul 1984.
Niels Leif Krabbe til Aldersro [Parents].Niels married Dorrit nn. Niels was employed as Kammerherre, Hofjægermester, Godsejer, BFM og Kurator for Vallø adelige Stift in Aldersro Gods, Værslev, Kalundborg.
Dorrit nn.Dorrit married Niels Leif Krabbe til Aldersro.
Knud Harald Krabbe [Parents] 1 was born on 3 Mar 1885 in Frederiksberg ( København ). He died on 8 May 1961. He married Thora Agnete Hindenburg on 9 Oct 1909. Knud was employed as,, Overlæge, Professor ved Nervepolikkliniken hos Rigshospitalet in København.
Thora Agnete Hindenburg was born on 19 Feb 1883 in København. She married Knud Harald Krabbe on 9 Oct 1909. Thora was employed as Cand.jur. in København.
They had the following children:
F i Edith Krabbe was born on 4 Mar 1912. F ii Ingrid Krabbe was born on 7 Oct 1913.
He had the following children:
F i Henriette Cathrine Louise Hersleb was born on 2 Aug 1780. She died on 12 Aug 1801. F ii Henriette Caroline Eleonora Hersleb was born on 29 Apr 1784. She died on 14 Oct 1872.
Willars Knudsen Lunn til Knabstrup [Parents] was born on 7 Dec 1775 in Einsidelsborg ( Kørup ) Gods, Krogsbølle. He died on 16 Mar 1865 in Dortheaslyst, Sønder Jernløse, Reistrup. He married Henriette Cathrine Louise Hersleb on 5 Sep 1800 in Knabstrup Gods, Sønder Jernløse, Reistrup. Willars was employed as Major ( Hæren - Forsvaret ), Cand.jur., Hippolog, Godsejer in Knabstrup Gods, Sønder Jernløse, Reistrup.
Other marriages:Hersleb, Henriette Caroline Eleonora
Henriette Cathrine Louise Hersleb [Parents] was born on 2 Aug 1780 in Gentofte. She died on 12 Aug 1801 in Sønder Jernløse, Reistrup. She married Willars Knudsen Lunn til Knabstrup on 5 Sep 1800 in Knabstrup Gods, Sønder Jernløse, Reistrup.
Claus Wrang [Parents] was born in 1946. He married Jannike Wolff. The marriage ended in divorce. Claus was employed as Cand.polyt., Systemkonsulent.
Jannike Wolff [Parents].Jannike married Claus Wrang. The marriage ended in divorce.
They had the following children:
M i Marie-Katrine Wrang was born in 1978. M ii Mikkel Wrang was born in 1982.
Jørgen Wrang [Parents] died in 2005. He married Marie Hell. Jørgen was employed as Gaardejer.
Marie Hell died in 2004. She married Jørgen Wrang.
They had the following children:
M i Claus Wrang was born in 1946.
Poul Rosborg.Poul married Birgitte Wolff.
Birgitte Wolff [Parents].Birgitte married Poul Rosborg.
He had the following children:
M i Jørgen Wrang died in 2005. M ii Claus Wrang.