Gunde Lange til Brejninggaard & Kjølbygaard [Parents] was born in 1576. He died in 1652.
He had the following children:
Hans Nielsen Lange til Kærgaard & Lydum [Parents] was born about 1504. He died in 1555. He married Karen Christensdatter Spend. Hans was employed as Godsejer.
Karen Christensdatter Spend died in 1562. She married Hans Nielsen Lange til Kærgaard & Lydum.
They had the following children:
M i Niels Lange died in 1555. Niels was employed as Lensmand, Godsejer. He resided. M ii Gunde Lange til Brejninggaard, Holmegaard & Keldet died in 1564.
nn Lange [Parents].
He had the following children:
M i Erik Lange til Engelsholm was born in 1518. He died in 1572.
nn Lange [Parents].
He had the following children:
M i nn Lange.
Mogens Nielsen til Hennegaard [Parents] died in 1485.
He had the following children:
M i nn Lange.
Niels Thomsen til Lydum [Parents] died about 1416. Niels was employed as Godsejer.
He had the following children:
M i Gunde Nielsen til Lydum died in 1477. M ii Mogens Nielsen til Hennegaard died in 1485.
He had the following children:
M i Iver Thomsen til Krogsgaard died in 1406. M ii Oluf Thomsen. M iii Niels Thomsen til Lydum died about 1416.
Iver Thomsen til Krogsgaard [Parents] died in 1406. He married Karen Pedersdatter Lykke. Iver was employed as Godsejer.
Karen Pedersdatter Lykke.Karen married Iver Thomsen til Krogsgaard.
They had the following children:
M i Jep Iversen died in 1454. Jep was employed as Kantor in Ribe. [Notes] M ii Jens Iversen Lange died on 9 May 1482. Jens was employed as Biskop over Aarhus. [Notes]
Oluf Thomsen [Parents].
He had the following children:
M i Oluf Lange.
Gunde Nielsen til Lydum [Parents] died in 1477. Gunde was employed as Godsejer. He resided.
He had the following children:
M i Niels Gundesen til Lydum died in 1511.