Anetræ for familien Krogsgaard og mange mange flere

Niels Lauritsen Kotte was born about 1460. He died in 1518. He married Marina Thordsdatter.

Marina Thordsdatter was born about 1465 in Svendborg. She died in 1532 in Svendborg. She was buried in 1532 in Svendborg. She married Niels Lauritsen Kotte.

They had the following children:

  M i Laurits Nielsen Kotte was born about 1490. He died in 1569.

Laurits Poulsen (Skinkel) [Parents] was born about 1460. He died after 1515. He married Kirsten Lauritsdatter Kotte. Laurits was employed as Købmand og Borgmester i Kerteminde.

Kirsten Lauritsdatter Kotte [Parents] was born about 1465 in Kerteminde. She died in 1546 in Kerteminde. She married Laurits Poulsen (Skinkel).

They had the following children:

  F i Karen Lauritsdatter Poulsen was born about 1510. She died about 1590.

Poul Skinkel was born in 1435.


He had the following children:

  M i Laurits Poulsen (Skinkel) was born about 1460. He died after 1515.

Laurids Nielsen Kotte [Parents] was born in 1430. He died in 1473. He was buried in 1473. He married Margaretha Kjeldsdatter.

Margaretha Kjeldsdatter [Parents] was born in 1430. She died in 1500. She was buried in 1500. She married Laurids Nielsen Kotte.

They had the following children:

  F i Kirsten Lauritsdatter Kotte was born about 1465. She died in 1546.

Niels Lauritzen Kotte [Parents] was born about 1400. He died about 1455. He married Mette Breum Bondesdatter Friis.

Mette Breum Bondesdatter Friis [Parents] was born in 1400 in Årslevgård, Årslev sogn, Vindinge, Svendborg Amt. She died in 1500 in Årslevgård, Årslev sogn, Vindinge, Svendborg Amt. She was buried in 1500. She married Niels Lauritzen Kotte.

They had the following children:

  M i Laurids Nielsen Kotte was born in 1430. He died in 1473.

Laudrids Kotte died in 1440. He was buried in 1440.

He had the following children:

  M i Niels Lauritzen Kotte was born about 1400. He died about 1455.

Breum Brun Friis [Parents].


He had the following children:

  F i Mette Breum Bondesdatter Friis was born in 1400. She died in 1500.

Claus Bondesen Friis.


He had the following children:

  M i Breum Brun Friis.

Kjeld Tuesen was born in 1390. He married Ukendt Ottosdatter Rantzau.


Ukendt Ottosdatter Rantzau was born in 1395. She married Kjeld Tuesen.


They had the following children:

  F i Margaretha Kjeldsdatter was born in 1430. She died in 1500.

Henning Christensen Achton was born in 1613 in Jordløse. He died on 7 Dec 1677 in Nr. Broby. He married Karen Jørgensdatter Mule.

Karen Jørgensdatter Mule [Parents] was born about 1606 in Odense. She died in 1650. She married Henning Christensen Achton.

Other marriages:
Pedersen, Svend

They had the following children:

  F i Barbara Henningsdatter Achton was born on 20 Aug 1646. She died on 2 Mar 1727/1728.

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