Anetræ for familien Krogsgaard og mange mange flere

Erik Kjær [Parents] was born on 18 Mar 1945 in Frederiksberg. He was married on 3 Nov 1973 in Aarhus. Erik was employed as maskintekniker.

He had the following children:

  M i Simon Bonne Kjær was born on 30 May 1974 in Aarhus.

Jep Andersen [Parents] was born about 1485 in Vedsted. He was christened in Aaby.

He had the following children:

  M i Morten Ibsen was born about 1525.

Morten Ibsen [Parents] was born about 1525.


He had the following children:

  M i Jep Mortensen died after 1579.

Jep Mortensen [Parents] died after 1579.

He had the following children:

  M i Morten Jepsen was born about 1580. He died in 1654.

Bertel Andersen Hørby [Parents] was born 1 about 1482 in Vesterriis, Testrup Sogn, Viborg. He died in 1574 in Testrup. He married Karen Lauridsdatter Udsen about 1535. Bertel was employed as Væbner.


Karen Lauridsdatter Udsen [Parents] was born about 1510. She died about 1574. She married Bertel Andersen Hørby about 1535.

They had the following children:

  F i Anne Bertelsdatter Hørby died in 1594.
  M ii Laurids Bertelsen Hørby. Laurids was employed as Slotsfoged på Aalborghus.
  F iii Inger Hørby was born about 1530 in Testrup. She died after 1600 in Testrup.
  F iv Marin Bertelsdatter Hørby was born about 1501. She died after 1545.
  F v Karen Bertelsdatter died after 1560.

Anders Bertelsen Hørby [Parents] was born in Hinsted. He died after 1490.

He had the following children:

  M i Bertel Andersen Hørby was born about 1482. He died in 1574.

Bertel Christensen Hørby [Parents] was born about 1430 in Skovbo, Valsgaard, Aalborg. He died in 1473/1481.

He had the following children:

  M i Jes Bertelsen Hørby was born about 1450.
  M ii Anders Bertelsen Hørby died after 1490.

Bengt Nilsson [Parents].Bengt married Inger Larsdotter.

Inger Larsdotter.Inger married Bengt Nilsson.

They had the following children:

  F i Anna Bengtsdotter was born on 17 Jan 1721.

Jeps Begere [Parents] was born about 1310. He died in 1365.


He had the following children:

  F i Jepsdatter Begere was born about 1340. She died after 1380.

Stig Nielsen [Parents] was born before 1390.

He had the following children:

  F i Mette Stigsdatter Skovgaard was born before 1410.

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