Arnmod Arnvidsen [Parents] was born before 950. He died 1 about 986 in Giske.
He had the following children:
M i Arne Arnmodsen was born about 963. He died in 1024.
Arne Arnmodsen [Parents] was born about 963. He died in 1024. He married Thora Thorsteinsdatter.
Other marriages:Erlingsdotter, Gertrud
Thora Thorsteinsdatter [Parents] was born in Galge. She died after 990. She married Arne Arnmodsen.
They had the following children:
M i Torberg Arnesen Arnung was born in 990. He died in 1050. M ii Finn Arneson died about 1065.
Sigard Grjotgardsen was born about 725. He died in 775.
He had the following children:
F i Signy Sigardsdatter was born about 750.
Iver Halvdansen [Parents] was born about 770. He died in 810. He married Eysteinsdatter af Trondjhem.
Eysteinsdatter af Trondjhem [Parents] was born about 785. She married Iver Halvdansen.
They had the following children:
M i Öystein 'Glumra' Iversen was born about 800. He died in 872.
Halvdan 'Gamle' Gorsen [Parents] was born before 750. He died about 800.
He had the following children:
M i Iver Halvdansen was born about 770. He died in 810.
Svedi Svidrasson was born before 730.
He had the following children:
M i Halvdan 'Gamle' Gorsen was born before 750. He died about 800.
Eystein Glumre Hognasson [Parents] was born about 738.
He had the following children:
F i Eysteinsdatter af Trondjhem was born about 785.
Hogne Eysteinsson was born about 700.
He had the following children:
M i Eystein Glumre Hognasson was born about 738.
Dag på Vestmar was born about 710. He died in 770 in Telemark.
He had the following children:
F i Hlif Dagsdatter was born in 730/760.
Hrolv Nevja was born before 800. Hrolv was employed as Rolf the Sea King.
He had the following children:
F i Ragnhild Hrolvsdatter was born about 830. She died in 890/892.