Bertha af Lothringen [Parents] was born in 863/866. She died on 8 Mar 925. She was buried in Lucca.
Other marriages:Arles, Theobald af
She had the following children:
F i Ermengarde de Lucca was born about 900. She died on 29 Feb 932.
Boso af Arles [Parents] was born in 885. He died in 936.
Other marriages:Burgund, Willa af Øvre
He had the following children:
M i Rotbald I af Provence was born 1 about 907. He died about 950. Rotbald was employed as Greve.
Adalbert den Rige II af Ivrea [Parents] died in 923. He married Ermengarde de Lucca in 914. Adalbert was employed as Ouche ved Dijon.
Other marriages:Italien, Gisela af
Ermengarde de Lucca [Parents] was born about 900. She died 1 on 29 Feb 932. She married Adalbert den Rige II af Ivrea in 914.
Lambert III af Nantes [Parents] died 1 on 1 May 862. He married Rotrude af Italien in 855.
Rotrude af Italien [Parents] was born about 836. She died about 882. She married Lambert III af Nantes in 855.
Other marriages:Unknown
They had the following children:
M i Wipert af Nantes was born about 860.
Rotrude af Italien [Parents] was born about 836. She died about 882. She was married in 868.
Other marriages:Nantes, Lambert III af
She had the following children:
M i Eberhard II af Lebarten died after 897.
Wipert af Nantes [Parents] was born about 860. He married Adeltrude about 896.
Adeltrude died after 900. She married Wipert af Nantes about 896.
They had the following children:
F i Ermengarde af Nantes was born in 897/900.
Billing af Stugeckshorn [Parents] died on 26 May 967. He married Ermengarde af Nantes about 915.
Ermengarde af Nantes [Parents] was born in 897/900. She married Billing af Stugeckshorn about 915.
They had the following children:
M i Wichmann Bilungen af Sachsen was born about 916. He died in 944. M ii Hermann I Billung was born about 917. He died on 27 Mar 973.
Hermann I Billung [Parents] was born about 917. He died on 27 Mar 973 in Lüneburg. He married Hildegard af Westerburg.
Hildegard af Westerburg died after 944. She married Hermann I Billung.
They had the following children:
F i Mathilde af Sachsen was born about 937. She died on 25 May 1008. F ii Swanhilde af Sachsen was born about 940. She died on 26 Nov 1014. M iii Bernhard I van de Noordmark died on 9 Feb 1011.
Mathilde af Sachsen [Parents] was born about 937. She died on 25 May 1008 in Gent.
Other marriages:Flandern, Balduin III le Jeune af
She had the following children:
F i Bona af Ardennes was born about 958. She died in 975/979.
Mathilde af Sachsen [Parents] was born about 937. She died on 25 May 1008 in Gent. She was married about 963.
Other marriages:Unknown
Flandern, Balduin III le Jeune af
She had the following children: