Anetræ for familien Krogsgaard og mange mange flere

Foulcould af Rouergue [Parents] died after 836. He married Sénégonde af Toulouse.


Sénégonde af Toulouse [Parents] was born before 790. She married Foulcould af Rouergue.

They had the following children:

  M i Raimund I af Toulouse died in 863/865.

Hieronymus Martell [Parents] was born before 730. He married Ermentrude.

Ermentrude was born before 740. She married Hieronymus Martell.

They had the following children:

  M i Nithard Martel was born before 750.

Nithard Martel [Parents] was born before 750. He married Richarde.

Richarde was born before 760. She married Nithard Martel.

They had the following children:

  M i Angilbert de Ponthieu died after 806.

Lievin de Poitiers was born about 660. He died in 713. He married Willigarde de Haspengau.

Willigarde de Haspengau was born in 660/680. She married Lievin de Poitiers.

They had the following children:

  M i Lambert de Treves was born about 680.
  F ii Chrotrudis de Trêves was born before 690. She died in 724.

Charibert Hardrad af Laon [Parents] was born in 690/696. He died 1 in Jan 761. He married Bertrade Gisele de Cologne.

Bertrade Gisele de Cologne [Parents] was born in 695. She married Charibert Hardrad af Laon.

They had the following children:

  F i Bertrada, Grevinde af Laon was born in 719. She died on 12 Jun 783.
  F ii Chariberts datter af Laon.

Norbert d'Auqitaine [Parents] was born before 680. He died in 694/696. He married Berthe de Neustrie.

Berthe de Neustrie was born about 670. She died in 740. She married Norbert d'Auqitaine.

Other marriages:
Allemanien, Huoching af

They had the following children:

  M i Charibert Hardrad af Laon was born in 690/696. He died in Jan 761.
  F ii Rolinde d'Auqitaine was born before 696.

Hugobert de Cologne was born in 650/665. He died in 697. He married Irmina d'Oeren. Hugobert was employed as Pfalzgreve.

Irmina d'Oeren was born in 655/669. She died on 24 Dec 708 in Weissenburg. She married Hugobert de Cologne. Irmina was employed as Abbess of Oeren.

They had the following children:

  M i Norbert d'Auqitaine was born before 680. He died in 694/696.
  F ii Bertrade Gisele de Cologne was born in 695.

Habibai ben Natronai David [Parents] was born in 687 in Babylon. He married Rolinde d'Auqitaine.

Rolinde d'Auqitaine [Parents] was born before 696. She married Habibai ben Natronai David.

They had the following children:

  M i Gilbert af Rouergue was born before 750.
  M ii Aka Makhir ben Habibai David was born before 770.

Gilbert af Rouergue [Parents] was born before 750. He married Berthe.

Berthe was born before 750. She married Gilbert af Rouergue.

They had the following children:

  M i Fredelon de Rouergue was born before 770.
  M ii Foulcould af Rouergue died after 836.

Huoching af Allemanien was born about 660. He died in 727. He married Berthe de Neustrie in 694. Huoching was employed as Hertug.

Berthe de Neustrie was born about 670. She died in 740. She married Huoching af Allemanien in 694.

Other marriages:
d'Auqitaine, Norbert

They had the following children:

  M i Nébi d'Alémanie was born before 709.

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