Unifrid nn [Parents].
He had the following children:
M i Adalbert der Alder, Graff von Turgau.
Adalbert der Alder, Graff von Turgau [Parents].
He had the following children:
M i Burkhard, Graff von Alemania.
Burkhard, Graff von Alemania [Parents].Burkhard, married Adalbert nn.
Adalbert nn.Adalbert married Burkhard, Graff von Alemania.
They had the following children:
M i Burkhard I, Hertug af Alemanien died in 926.
Burkhard I, Hertug af Alemanien [Parents] died in 926. He married Udalrich nn.
Udalrich nn.Udalrich married Burkhard I, Hertug af Alemanien.
They had the following children:
F i Berthan af Schwarben.
Rudolf II, Konge af Arelat (Burgund) & I nn.Rudolf married Berthan af Schwarben.
Berthan af Schwarben [Parents].Berthan married Rudolf II, Konge af Arelat (Burgund) & I nn.
They had the following children:
M i Konrad af Burgund died in 993.
Konrad af Burgund [Parents] died in 993. He married Mathilde af Westfranken.
Mathilde af Westfranken was born in 943. She died in 981. She married Konrad af Burgund.
They had the following children:
F i Mathilde af Burgund was born in 964.
Greve af Genf.Greve married Mathilde af Burgund.
Mathilde af Burgund [Parents] was born in 964. She married Greve af Genf.
They had the following children:
F i Bertha af Burgund.
nn, Greve af Genf.nn, married Bertha af Burgund.
Bertha af Burgund [Parents].Bertha married nn, Greve af Genf.
They had the following children:
M i Gerold, Greve af Genf died in 1061.
Gerold, Greve af Genf [Parents] died in 1061. He married Gisela nn.
Gisela nn.Gisela married Gerold, Greve af Genf.
They had the following children:
F i Johanna, Grevinde af Genf died in 1050.
Amadeus II, l066 Grev af Savoyen died in 1080. He married Johanna, Grevinde af Genf.
Johanna, Grevinde af Genf [Parents] died in 1050. She married Amadeus II, l066 Grev af Savoyen.
They had the following children:
M i Hubert II Greve af Savoyen died in 1130.