Anetræ for familien Krogsgaard og mange mange flere

Siegfried II, Graff von Bällenstädt [Parents].Siegfried married Anna, Graffinn von Schwarben.

Anna, Graffinn von Schwarben died in 957. She married Siegfried II, Graff von Bällenstädt. Anna, was employed as Enke efter Heinrichs Greve af /Schwaben/.

They had the following children:

  M i Waldemar der Alder, Graff von Bällenstädt.

Waldemar der Alder, Graff von Bällenstädt [Parents].Waldemar married Catharina, Graffinn von Schwarzburg.

Catharina, Graffinn von Schwarzburg.Catharina, married Waldemar der Alder, Graff von Bällenstädt.

They had the following children:

  M i Siegmund, Graf von Bällenstädt.

Bruno I, Herzug zu Sachsen [Parents] was born in 825. He died in 843. He married Svana "Susanna", Grevinde af Montfort.

Svana "Susanna", Grevinde af Montfort.Svana married Bruno I, Herzug zu Sachsen.

They had the following children:

  M i Ludolf, Herzug zu Sachsen was born in 843. He died in 859.

Wigbert, Hertug af Sachsen, Bayern & Wes [Parents] was born in 807. He died in 825. He married Sindacilla von Friesland.

Sindacilla von Friesland.Sindacilla married Wigbert, Hertug af Sachsen, Bayern & Wes.

They had the following children:

  M i Walpert, Greve af Ringelheim died in 856.
  M ii Bruno I, Herzug zu Sachsen was born in 825. He died in 843.

Widukind, Herzug zu Sachsen was born in 740. He married Geva af Danmark. Widukind, was employed as Fornavn muligvis: Wittekind.

Geva af Danmark [Parents] was born about 755. She married Widukind, Herzug zu Sachsen.

Other marriages:
Magnus, Widukind I


They had the following children:

  M i Wigbert, Hertug af Sachsen, Bayern & Wes was born in 807. He died in 825.

Gundahar Konge af Burgund Burgundiske.

He had the following children:

  M i Gibahar (Gibika) nn died in 411.

Gregor MacGregor of Easter Corerklet.

He had the following children:

  M i Gregor MacGregor of Comermore.

Gregor MacGregor of Comermore [Parents].

He had the following children:

  F i Mary MacGregor.

Hans Sørensen Ølgod.Hans married Sørensdatter Buch.

Sørensdatter Buch.Sørensdatter married Hans Sørensen Ølgod.

They had the following children:

  F i Anna Hansdatter Ølgod was born in 1610. She died on 24 May 1705.

Søren Brandt.

He had the following children:

  M i Laurits Sørensen Brandt was born about 1700.

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