Ole Jensen was born on 19 Jan 1960. He married Vibeke Knudsen.
Vibeke Knudsen [Parents] was born on 22 Sep 1966. She married Ole Jensen. Vibeke was employed as Mekonom.
Other marriages:Mortensen, Kjeld
They had the following children:
F i Camilla Knudsen was born on 4 Nov 1986. M ii Nicolaj Knudsen was born on 18 Mar 1991.
Kjeld Mortensen was born on 28 Oct 1952. He married Vibeke Knudsen.
Vibeke Knudsen [Parents] was born on 22 Sep 1966. She married Kjeld Mortensen. Vibeke was employed as Mekonom.
Other marriages:Jensen, Ole
They had the following children:
M i Morten Steen Knudsen was born on 10 Aug 1994.
Povel Jensen Møller.Povel married Dorothea Christensdatter.
Dorothea Christensdatter.Dorothea married Povel Jensen Møller.
They had the following children:
M i Kristen Povelsen Møller died in 1827.
Kristen Mikkelsen.Kristen married Karen Kristensdatter.
Karen Kristensdatter.Karen married Kristen Mikkelsen.
They had the following children:
F i Mette Christensdatter.
Knud Justesen Haderup [Parents] was born in 1707. He died in 1791. He married Mette Lytken.
Mette Lytken [Parents] was born in 1715. She married Knud Justesen Haderup.
They had the following children:
M i Erhard Haderup was born in 1758. He died in 1832.
Johan Nicolai Schmerkel.Johan married Cecilia Lund.
Cecilia Lund.Cecilia married Johan Nicolai Schmerkel.
They had the following children:
F i Maria Schmerkel was born in 1766. She died in 1790.
Just Heinrichsen Schonnemann [Parents].Just married Anna Hansdatter Haderup.
Anna Hansdatter Haderup was born in 1675. She died in 1748. She married Just Heinrichsen Schonnemann.
They had the following children:
M i Knud Justesen Haderup was born in 1707. He died in 1791.
He had the following children:
F i Mette Lytken was born in 1715.
Hans Pedersen.Hans married Kirsten Andersdatter.
Kirsten Andersdatter was born in 1644. She died in 1715. She married Hans Pedersen.
They had the following children:
M i Just Heinrichsen Schonnemann.
Andreas Holck [Parents] was born in 1730. He died in 1785. He married Anna Cathrine Schandrup.
Anna Cathrine Schandrup.Anna married Andreas Holck.
They had the following children:
M i Andreas Holck was born in 1767. He died in 1846.