He had the following children:
M i Theodor Andreas Krogh-Jensen. F ii Anna Helene Krogh-Jensen.
Holger Schmedes.Holger married Anna Helene Krogh-Jensen. Holger was employed as Cand.med., Kredslæge.
Anna Helene Krogh-Jensen [Parents] was born in Brædstrup. She married Holger Schmedes.
They had the following children:
M i Henning Theodor Schmedes was born on 24 Sep 1922.
Thomas Meldgaard.Thomas married Anna Marie Hansen. Thomas was employed as Købmand in Brædstrup.
Anna Marie Hansen.Anna married Thomas Meldgaard.
They had the following children:
F i Eli Meldgaard was born on 9 Jul 1933.
Eli Meldgaard [Parents] was born on 9 Jul 1933 in Brædstrup.
Other marriages:Lützen, Sven
She had the following children:
M i Lars Lützen was born on 2 May 1954.
Paul Elsass Beckett [Parents] was born on 9 May 1922. He died in Jun 1994.
Other marriages:Poulsen, Birthe
He had the following children:
F i Helene Elsass Beckett. F ii Elisabeth Elsass Beckett.
Jens Jacob Hjorth Jensen.Jens married Anna Ludovika Louise Holm. Jens was employed as Havnemester.
Anna Ludovika Louise Holm was born in Korsør. She married Jens Jacob Hjorth Jensen.
They had the following children:
M i Bendt Hjorth Jensen was born on 27 Aug 1922.
Jacob Jacobsen Jordal.Jacob married Bertha Constance Sørensen Aas.
Bertha Constance Sørensen Aas.Bertha married Jacob Jacobsen Jordal.
They had the following children:
M i Jacob Jacobsen Jordal was born on 7 Jun 1925.
Charles Edvard Chicken.Charles married Lillian Mabel. Charles was employed as Customs Service Officer.
Lillian Mabel.Lillian married Charles Edvard Chicken.
They had the following children:
M i John Chicken was born on 11 Oct 1925.
Heinrich Ludwig August Wittpoth.Heinrich married Elfriede Essen. Heinrich was employed as Dr.med. in Deutschland.
Elfriede Essen.Elfriede married Heinrich Ludwig August Wittpoth.
They had the following children:
F i Friedel Margarete Wittpoth was born on 15 Jun 1931. She died on 14 Mar 1969.
Viggo Christian Andresen.Viggo married Ella Roding. Viggo was employed as Maskinhandler.
Ella Roding.Ella married Viggo Christian Andresen.
They had the following children:
M i Finn Andresen was born on 11 Sep 1932.