Peder Høxbroe [Parents] was born in 1731. He died in 1803. Peder was employed as Købmand in Seest, Kolding.
He had the following children:
M i Hans Høxbroe was born in 1764. He died in 1828.
Hans Høxbroe [Parents] was born in 1764. He died in 1828. He married Claudine Sabine Sølling. Hans was employed as Dr.phil., Cand.theol., Sognepræst til Rødding-Skrave, Amtsprovst in Rødding.
Other marriages:Arntzen, Karen Christine M
Claudine Sabine Sølling [Parents] was born in 1769. She died in 1815. She married Hans Høxbroe.
They had the following children:
M i Anton Christian Høxbroe was born on 15 Mar 1799. He died on 5 Sep 1879. M ii Christopher Sølling Høxbroe was born in 1803. He died in 1852. F iii Cathrine M Høgsbro was born in 1811.
nn Høxbroe [Parents].
He had the following children:
M i Peder Høxbroe was born in 1731. He died in 1803.
Anton Christian Høxbroe [Parents] was born on 15 Mar 1799 in Rødding. He died on 5 Sep 1879 in Tønder. He married Mette Christine von Bülow af Plüskow on 18 Apr 1829 in Rødding. Anton was employed as Kammerassessor, Exam.jur., Sagfører ( Advokat ), Toldkontrollør in Tønder.
Mette Christine von Bülow af Plüskow [Parents] was born on 8 Aug 1793 in Seest, Kolding. She died on 2 Nov 1874 in Tønder. She married Anton Christian Høxbroe on 18 Apr 1829 in Rødding.
They had the following children:
M i Anton Schmidt was born in 1861. He died in 1935. Anton was employed as Afholdsagiator.
Christopher Sølling Høxbroe [Parents] was born in 1803. He died in 1852. He married Ane H C Poulsen. Christopher was employed as Cand.theol., Sognepræst til Nørre Felding.
Ane H C Poulsen.Ane married Christopher Sølling Høxbroe.
They had the following children:
F i Maren Sabine Kristine Høxbroe was born in 1843. She died in 1931.
Sabrinus Høxbroe [Parents] was born in 1819. He died in 1897. Sabrinus was employed as Cand.theol., Sognepræst til Højst og senere Bjerreby.
He had the following children:
M i Ejnar Høxbroe was born in 1868. He died in 1941. Ejnar was employed as Skovrider.
Wilhelm Kirkeby [Parents] was born in 1831. He died in 1909. He married Maren Sabine Kristine Høxbroe. Wilhelm was employed as Købmand in Aarhus.
Maren Sabine Kristine Høxbroe [Parents] was born in 1843. She died in 1931. She married Wilhelm Kirkeby.
They had the following children:
M i Anker Kirkeby was born in 1884. He died in 1957.
He had the following children:
M i Wilhelm Kirkeby was born in 1831. He died in 1909.
Anker Kirkeby [Parents] was born in 1884. He died in 1957. He married Maja Sonne on 17 Apr 1942. Anker was employed as Redaktør ved Politikens Forlag in Frederiksberg ( København ).
Maja Sonne [Parents] was born on 20 Sep 1913. She married Anker Kirkeby on 17 Apr 1942.
Other marriages:Lemming, Jørgen
Hans Thomsen Høxbroe died in 1701. Hans was employed as Høker in Vejle.
He had the following children:
M i nn Høxbroe.