André Robert [Parents] was born on 29 Jul 1919. He died in Jul 1992. He married Andrèe Greisenaux.
Other marriages:Roy, Raymonde
Andrèe Greisenaux died on 24 Aug 1999. She married André Robert.
Ditlev von Rantzau was born in 1687 in Traulau. He married Christine Dorothea Reventlow on 19 Apr 1732. Ditlev was employed as Oberstløjtnant i de tyske landstyrker (Kurbraunschweig-Lünebürgsk ).
Christine Dorothea Reventlow [Parents] was born on 18 May 1699. She died on 1 Sep 1734. She married Ditlev von Rantzau on 19 Apr 1732.
Other marriages:Bülow, Jacob Dietrich von til Horst, Gudow & Wehningen
Frederik von Brockdorff [Parents] was born about 1550. He died in 1612. He was buried in Westensee, Rendsburg, Schleswig-Holstein. He married Catharine von Qualen.
Catharine von Qualen [Parents].Catharine married Frederik von Brockdorff.
They had the following children:
F i Catharina von Brockdorff. F ii Dorothea von Brockdorff was born about 1616. She died in 1688.
Jobst von Lenthe.Jobst married Catharina von Brockdorff.
Catharina von Brockdorff [Parents].Catharina married Jobst von Lenthe.
They had the following children:
F i Ollegaard Margaretha von Lenthe.
Christian Wilhelm Vagel de Ulrichsdal [Parents].
He had the following children:
M i Laurits de Ulrichsdal. M ii Wilhelm de Ulrichsdal.
Hans Thorvald Herlev Hansen was born on 6 Dec 1865. He married Frederikke Hedvig Utke Damm on 29 Mar 1893. Hans was employed as Kommunelærer.
Frederikke Hedvig Utke Damm [Parents] was born on 9 Jun 1869. She died on 28 May 1924. She married Hans Thorvald Herlev Hansen on 29 Mar 1893.
Other marriages:Jørgensen, Christian Theodor
Friedrich Carl von Friccius [Parents] was born in 1706. He died in 1761. He married Anna Henriette Edle von Schilden. Friedrich was employed as Konferensraad, Landkansler over Hertugdømmerne.
Anna Henriette Edle von Schilden [Parents] was born in 1725. She died in 1752. She married Friedrich Carl von Friccius.
They had the following children:
M i Hans Heinrich Friccius von Schilden-Huitfeldt til Stamhuset Huitfeldt, Det von Schilden-Jydske Fideikommis & Det von Schilden-Holstenske Fideikommis og til Clausholm, Haseldorf & Haselau was born on 16 Apr 1745. He died on 31 Jan 1816. M ii Christian Friederich Friccius von Schilden til Haseldorf was born on 25 Jun 1747. He died on 22 Dec 1804. F iii Elisabeth Henriette Friccius von Schilden was born on 7 Jun 1750. She died in 1837.
Rudolph Woldemar von Rømeling.Rudolph married Ulrica Eleonora de Ulrichsdal. Rudolph was employed as Generalløjtnant ( Hæren - Forsvaret ).
Ulrica Eleonora de Ulrichsdal [Parents].Ulrica married Rudolph Woldemar von Rømeling.
They had the following children:
M i Carl von Rømeling was born on 20 Jan 1769. He died on 12 Mar 1839.
Andreas Nicolai Carl Price [Parents].Andreas married Helga Collin.
Helga Collin [Parents].Helga married Andreas Nicolai Carl Price.
Peter Adler Alberti [Parents] was born on 10 Jun 1851 in København. He was christened on 5 Sep 1851 in Trinitatis, København. He married Eugenie Møller in 1876. The marriage ended in divorce.They were divorced in 1898. Peter was employed as Gehejmekonferensraad, Cand.jur., Højesteretssagfører ( Advokat ), BFM i Bondestandens Sparekasse in København. He resided.
Other marriages:Sundberg, Anna Victoria
Eugenie Møller.Eugenie married Peter Adler Alberti in 1876. The marriage ended in divorce.They were divorced in 1898.
They had the following children:
F i Agnete Elise Alberti was born on 2 Dec 1883.