NN Vognsen was born about 1120. He married Ingerd Pedersdatter af PedersBorg.
Ingerd Pedersdatter af PedersBorg [Parents] was born about 1120. She married NN Vognsen.
Other marriages:, Vogn
Folkason, Arnulf
They had the following children:
M i Niels Vognsen af Stenshede was born about 1150.
Ingred Pallesdatter [Parents].
He had the following children:
M i Peder Thorstensen was born about 1085. He died about 1177.
Arnulf Folkason [Parents] was born on 23 Oct 1157 in Gradehede . He married Ingerd Pedersdatter af PedersBorg.
Other marriages:knudsdatter, Ingrid
Ingerd Pedersdatter af PedersBorg [Parents] was born about 1120. She married Arnulf Folkason.
Other marriages:, Vogn
Vognsen, NN
Jarl Folke Digre [Parents] was born before 1075. He died after 1100.
He had the following children:
M i Arnulf Folkason was born on 23 Oct 1157.
Rudolf von Beaumont died after 1086. He married Agate von Vendome.
Agate von Vendome died after 1086. She married Rudolf von Beaumont.
They had the following children:
M i Jarl Folke Digre was born before 1075. He died after 1100.
Anders Krogsgaard [Parents] was born on 25 Jul 1962 in Nibe Sygehus. He married Lone Lunderup.
Other marriages:Unknown
Lone Lunderup.Lone married Anders Krogsgaard.
They had the following children:
F i Josefine Katrine Lunderup Krogsgaard was born on 17 May 2002. [Notes]
Christen Thomsen was born about 1751. He married Sidsel Poulsdatter.
Sidsel Poulsdatter was born about 1756. She married Christen Thomsen.
They had the following children:
F i Maren Christensdatter was born in 1792. She died after 1855.
Christian Georg Peter greve Moltke af Bregentved til Bregentved & Tureby [Parents] was born on 5 Jun 1959 in Haslev. He married Kirsten Qvist Christensen. Christian was employed as Hofjægermester, Godsejer in Bregentved Gods, Haslev.
Kirsten Qvist Christensen [Parents] was born on 31 Jul 1960 in Næstved. She married Christian Georg Peter greve Moltke af Bregentved til Bregentved & Tureby.
They had the following children:
M i Frederik Christian Adam Moltke af Bregentved was born on 8 May 1991 in Næstved. He died on 23 Jan 2019 in Japan. He was buried on 2 Feb 2019 in Tureby Kirke. [Notes] M ii Gustav Otto Robert Moltke af Bregentved was born on 26 Dec 1992 in Næstved. M iii Otto Joachim Peter Moltke af Bregentved was born on 16 Aug 1997 in Næstved.
He had the following children:
F i Kirsten Qvist Christensen was born on 31 Jul 1960.
Rasmus Madsen was born in 1747. He died on 21 Apr 1829 in Sallerup, Køng Sogn, Præstø Amt . He was buried in Køng. He married Ane Poulsdatter.
Ane Poulsdatter [Parents] was born in 1773 in Sallerup, Køng Sogn, Præstø Amt . She died on 13 Jul 1831 in Sallerup, Køng Sogn, Præstø Amt . She was buried in Køng. She married Rasmus Madsen.
They had the following children:
F i Ane Rasmusdatter was born in 1800. M ii Hans Rasmusen was born in Sep 1806 in Sallerup, Køng Sogn, Præstø Amt . F iii Karen Rasmusdatter was born in May 1809 in Sallerup, Køng Sogn, Præstø Amt . F iv Maren Rasmusdatter was born in 1812. She died on 24 Apr 1851.