Anetræ for familien Krogsgaard og mange mange flere

Kovrat was born in 605. He died in 665.

He had the following children:

  M i Batbajan-Bezmer was born in 665.

Marot af Bihar was born before 860.

He had the following children:

  F i Men af Bihar.

Lothaire I af Walbeck died in 930.

He had the following children:

  M i Lothar II af Walbeck was born before 930. He died in 986. Lothar was employed as Greve.
  F ii Eilika af Walbeck was born about 926. She died on 19 Aug 1015.

Austmann Gustafsson was born about 1085.


He had the following children:

  M i Gutorm Austmannsson was born about 1130. He died after 1167.
  M ii Bård Austmannsson died on 3 Apr 1194 in Florvåg ved Askøya.
  M iii Skule Austmannsson.

Warnier af Autun. Warnier was employed as Greve.

He had the following children:

  F i Ermengardis af Bourgogne died after 928.

Svåse Finne was born in Finland. He died after 872.

He had the following children:

  F i Snæfrid Svåsedatter was born about 872. She died in 903.

Rane Mjonev died after 930.

He had the following children:

  F i Ranesdatter Mjonev was born about 930. She died in 970.

Gudbjörg Ufeigsdatter [Parents].

She had the following children:

  M i Gudbrand Kula was born about 930. He died after 995.

Ufeig Burlufot [Parents] died after 850.

He had the following children:

  F i Gudbjörg Ufeigsdatter.

Iver Beitil died after 820.

He had the following children:

  M i Ufeig Burlufot died after 850.

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