Toste Godwinsson [Parents] was born about 1025. He died on 25 Sep 1066 in Stamford Bridge. He married Judith af Flandern in Sep 1051.
Judith af Flandern [Parents] was born in 1028/1033. She died on 5 Mar 1094. She married Toste Godwinsson in Sep 1051.
Other marriages:Unknown
They had the following children:
M i Skule "Kungsfostre" Tostesen was born about 1052.
Skule "Kungsfostre" Tostesen [Parents] was born about 1052 in Wessex. He married Gudrun Nevsteinsdatter in 1073. Skule was employed as Høvding.
Gudrun Nevsteinsdatter [Parents] was born about 1053. She married Skule "Kungsfostre" Tostesen in 1073.
They had the following children:
M i Åsulf Skulesen was born in 1090. He died after 1150.
Åsulf Skulesen [Parents] was born in 1090 in Rein I Rissa. He died after 1150. He married Thora Skoftesdatter. Åsulf was employed as Lendermand.
Thora Skoftesdatter [Parents] was born after 1070 in Giske. She married Åsulf Skulesen.
They had the following children:
M i Guttorm Aasulfsen was born before 1120. He died in 1183. F ii Åsulfsdatter died after 1145.
Guttorm Aasulfsen [Parents] was born before 1120. He died in 1183. He married Elrid Jonsdatter. Guttorm was employed as Lendermand.
Other marriages:Unknown
Elrid Jonsdatter [Parents] was born before 1120. She married Guttorm Aasulfsen.
They had the following children:
F i Ingrid Guttormsdatter was born about 1135.
Guttorm Aasulfsen [Parents] was born before 1120. He died in 1183. He was married in 1150. Guttorm was employed as Lendermand.
Other marriages:Jonsdatter, Elrid
He had the following children:
M i Bård Guttormsen was born about 1150. He died on 3 Apr 1194 in Askøy I Hordaland. Bård was employed as Ridder.
Gutorm Austmannsson [Parents] was born about 1130. He died after 1167. He married Ingrid Guttormsdatter.
Ingrid Guttormsdatter [Parents] was born about 1135. She married Gutorm Austmannsson.
They had the following children:
F i Helene Guttormsdatter was born about 1167. She died in 1230.
Torild Totilsson [Parents] died after 1065.
He had the following children:
F i Helena Torildsdotter was born in 1065. She died about 1084. M ii Blot-Sven died in 1099.
Harald I Blaatand, Konge af Danmark [Parents] was born 1 about 911. He was christened about 960 in Helligbæk. He died 2 in 988 in Jomsborg. He was buried 3 in Hellig Trefoldigheds Kirke, Roskilde. He married Gyrith Olavsdatter af Sverige about 995.
Other marriages:Venden, Tove \ Tufu af
, Gunhild
Gyrith Olavsdatter af Sverige [Parents] was born in 915/925. She died 1 about 965. She married Harald I Blaatand, Konge af Danmark about 995.
They had the following children:
M i Erik Hring Haraldsen died in 950. Erik was employed as Konge af Northumbrien. M ii Hakon Haraldsen was christened about 961. He died in 987. Hakon was employed as Vikingehøvding. F iii Thyra Haraldsdatter was born in 958. She died on 18 Sep 1000. F iv Mo Haraldsdatter died in 1015. F v Thorgny Haraldsdatter. F vi Gunhild Haraldsdatter died on 13 Nov 1002.
Palle Nielsen Vognsen af Stenshede [Parents] died after 1340. He married Eline Nielsdatter Stigsen (Taarnskytte).
Eline Nielsdatter Stigsen (Taarnskytte).Eline married Palle Nielsen Vognsen af Stenshede.
They had the following children:
M i Niels Pallesen Vognsen af Stenshede died before 1441.
Svend I Tveskæg, Konge af Danmark [Parents] was born about 960. He was christened about 960 in Helligbæk. He died on 3 Feb 1014 in Grainborugh, England. He was buried in Roskilde Domkirke, Roskilde. He married Gunhild af Polen about 995. Svend was employed as Konge (986-1014).
Other marriages:Götaland, Sigrig Storraade af
Gunhild af Polen [Parents] was born in 967/972 in Poznan. She died on 2 Feb 1014. She married Svend I Tveskæg, Konge af Danmark about 995.
Other marriages:Sejrsæl, Erik VII
They had the following children:
M i Knud I den Store, Konge af Danmark was born about 996. He died on 12 Nov 1035. F ii Santslaue Svendsdatter.[Notes] F iii Gyda Svendsdatter. M iv Harald II, Konge af Danmark was born about 989. He died in 1018.