Anetræ for familien Krogsgaard og mange mange flere

Robert I, Hertug af Burgund [Parents] was born in 1011. He died on 27 Mar 1076. He married Helie af Semur.

Helie af Semur died in 1055. She married Robert I, Hertug af Burgund.

They had the following children:

  M i Heinrich, Hertug af Burgund died in 1070.
  F ii Constance af Burgund died in 1092.

Reinald, Greve af Burgund [Parents] was born in 990. He died in 1057. He married Adelheid "Judith" af Normandiet. Reinald, was employed as Greve (1026).

Adelheid "Judith" af Normandiet was born in 1000. She died in 1067. She married Reinald, Greve af Burgund.

They had the following children:

  F i Sibille af Burgund was born in 1040.

Robert II, Konge af Franken [Parents] was born in 970. He died in 1031. He married Constance af Provence.

Constance af Provence.Constance married Robert II, Konge af Franken.

They had the following children:

  M i Robert I, Hertug af Burgund was born in 1011. He died on 27 Mar 1076.

Hugo Capet, King of Franken was born in 939. He died in 996. He married Adelheid, Grevinde af Poitou.

Adelheid, Grevinde af Poitou [Parents] died in 1004. She married Hugo Capet, King of Franken.

They had the following children:

  M i Robert II, Konge af Franken was born in 970. He died in 1031.

Wilhelm I Tete d'Etoupes af Poitou died in 963. He married 0erloc (Adele) af Normandiet.

0erloc (Adele) af Normandiet [Parents] was born in 932. She married Wilhelm I Tete d'Etoupes af Poitou.

They had the following children:

  F i Adelheid, Grevinde af Poitou died in 1004.

Rollo Bygot (Robert), Hesker af Normand was born in 876. He died in 927. He married Gisela af Franken.

Gisela af Franken [Parents] was born in 901. She married Rollo Bygot (Robert), Hesker af Normand.

Other marriages:
Ueberseeische, Ludwig IV der

They had the following children:

  F i 0erloc (Adele) af Normandiet was born in 932.

Karl der Einfaeldige III, Konge af Franken [Parents] was born in 879. He died in 929. He married Edgivia af England.

Edgivia af England [Parents] died in 948. She married Karl der Einfaeldige III, Konge af Franken.

They had the following children:

  F i Gisela af Franken was born in 901.
  M ii Ludwig IV der Ueberseeische was born in 920. He died in 954.

Ludwig IV der Ueberseeische [Parents] was born in 920. He died in 954. He married Gisela af Franken.

Other marriages:
Deutschland, Gerberge von

Gisela af Franken [Parents] was born in 901. She married Ludwig IV der Ueberseeische.

Other marriages:
Normand, Rollo Bygot (Robert), Hesker af

Ludwig II der Stammler, Konge af Franken [Parents] was born in 846. He died in 879. He married Adelheid nn.

Adelheid nn died in 901. She married Ludwig II der Stammler, Konge af Franken.

They had the following children:

  M i Karl der Einfaeldige III, Konge af Franken was born in 879. He died in 929.

Edward den Ældre, King of England [Parents] died in 924. He married Edgina nn.

Edgina nn.Edgina married Edward den Ældre, King of England.

They had the following children:

  F i Edgivia af England died in 948.

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