Anetræ for familien Krogsgaard og mange mange flere

Ludwig IV der Ueberseeische [Parents] was born in 920. He died in 954. He married Gerberge von Deutschland.

Other marriages:
Franken, Gisela af

Gerberge von Deutschland [Parents] was born in 914. She died on 10 May 984. She married Ludwig IV der Ueberseeische.

They had the following children:

  M i Karl, Herzug von Niederlothringen was born in 953. He died in 992.

Alfred the Great, King of England [Parents] was born in 849. He married Ethelbitha nn.

Ethelbitha nn.Ethelbitha married Alfred the Great, King of England.

They had the following children:

  M i Edward den Ældre, King of England died in 924.

Ethelwolf, King of England [Parents] died in 858. He married Osburgis nn.

Osburgis nn.Osburgis married Ethelwolf, King of England.

They had the following children:

  M i Alfred the Great, King of England was born in 849.

Egbertus af Wessex, af Kongeh Westsachs died in 837. He married Redburgis nn.

Redburgis nn.Redburgis married Egbertus af Wessex, af Kongeh Westsachs.

They had the following children:

  M i Ethelwolf, King of England died in 858.

Clodulf, Herzug von Mosel was born in 615. He died in 678. Clodulf, was employed as Biskop.

He had the following children:

  M i Martinus, Herzug von Mosel died in 710.

Martinus, Herzug von Mosel [Parents] died in 710. He married Beatrix, Graffinn von Ardenn.

Beatrix, Graffinn von Ardenn.Beatrix, married Martinus, Herzug von Mosel.

They had the following children:

  M i Lambertus, Graff von Ardenn & Herzug von Mosel died in 778.

Lambertus, Graff von Ardenn & Herzug von Mosel [Parents] died in 778.

He had the following children:

  M i Loherus, Graff von Ardenn & Herzug von Mosel died in 809.

Loherus, Graff von Ardenn & Herzug von Mosel [Parents] died in 809.

He had the following children:

  M i Friedrich, Graff von Ardenn & Herzug von Mosel.

Friedrich, Graff von Ardenn & Herzug von Mosel [Parents].Friedrich, married Felicitas, Graffinn von Salen.

Felicitas, Graffinn von Salen.Felicitas, married Friedrich, Graff von Ardenn & Herzug von Mosel.

They had the following children:

  M i Sadgirus, Graff von Ardenn & Herzug von Mosel.

Sadgirus, Graff von Ardenn & Herzug von Mosel [Parents].

He had the following children:

  M i Raginerus "Giselbert", Graff von Ardenn & Herzug von Mosel died in 912.

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