Hans Carl Berthelsen died in 1935. He married Agnes Cathinca Otterstrøm. Hans was employed as Forpagter in Nislevgaard, Otterup.
Agnes Cathinca Otterstrøm [Parents] died in 1935. She married Hans Carl Berthelsen.
They had the following children:
M i Svend Ejnar Berthelsen was born on 26 Jun 1889. M ii Valdemar Berthelsen was born on 30 Nov 1898. F iii Gerda Elisabeth Berthelsen was born on 10 Apr 1891. She died in 1947.
nn Otterstrøm [Parents].
He had the following children:
F i Agnes Cathinca Otterstrøm died in 1935.
Svend Ejnar Berthelsen [Parents] was born on 26 Jun 1889 in Nislevgaard, Otterup. He married Agnes Elisabeth Lottrup on 3 Nov 1915 in Frederiks Kirke, København. Svend was employed as Cand.polyt., Overingeniør i A/S Jacob Holm & Sønners Fabriker in København.
Agnes Elisabeth Lottrup [Parents] was born on 13 Feb 1895 in Aarhus. She died on 5 Apr 1929 in Frederiksberg ( København ). She married Svend Ejnar Berthelsen on 3 Nov 1915 in Frederiks Kirke, København.
Severin Lottrup.Severin married Elisabeth Wigelsen. Severin was employed as Forretningsfører, A/S Ceres Bryggeriet ( Bryggerigruppen ) in Aarhus.
Elisabeth Wigelsen.Elisabeth married Severin Lottrup.
They had the following children:
F i Agnes Elisabeth Lottrup was born on 13 Feb 1895. She died on 5 Apr 1929.
Søren Würmfeldt was born in 1757. He died in 1795. Søren was employed as Byskriver in Thisted.
He had the following children:
F i Anne Marie Elisabeth Würmfeldt was born in 1757. She died in 1795.
R W C Jork [Parents] 1 was born on 8 Aug 1850 in Rønne. He died in 1937. He married Ulla Stahlknecht on 9 Oct 1884. R W C Jork was employed as Cand.jur., Borgmester i Viborg og siden Horsens, siden Birkedommer over Kronborg Østre Birk og Hellebæk Birk, Bestyrer af Det Beenfeld-Lichtenbergske Fideikommis in København.
Ulla Stahlknecht [Parents] was born on 22 May 1864 in Horsens. She died in 1953. She married R W C Jork on 9 Oct 1884.
They had the following children:
F i Warla Jorck was born on 16 Dec 1885.
J C Jork died in 1888. He married nn Michaelsen. J C Jork was employed as Cand.jur., Sognepræst, Provst in Rønne.
nn Michaelsen died in 1890. She married J C Jork.
They had the following children:
M i R W C Jork was born on 8 Aug 1850. He died in 1937.
J E Stahlknecht died in 1906. J E Stahlknecht was employed as Etatsraad in Horsens.
He had the following children:
F i Ulla Stahlknecht was born on 22 May 1864. She died in 1953.
Tage H Kampmann [Parents] was born on 20 Mar 1898 in Aarhus. He married Anna Marie Nielsen on 15 Jul 1940. Tage was employed as Cand.jur., Landsretssagfører ( Advokat ) in Faaborg.
Anna Marie Nielsen [Parents] was born on 19 Mar 1921 in Sønderborg. She married Tage H Kampmann on 15 Jul 1940.
Jens Nielsen died in 1950. He married Vira Krogh. Jens was employed as Forsikringsinspektør.
Vira Krogh.Vira married Jens Nielsen.
They had the following children:
F i Anna Marie Nielsen was born on 19 Mar 1921.